‘The stakes in the next election are high’: PM Lawrence Wong

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As Singapore faces an increasingly uncertain global landscape, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong emphasises the importance of unity, leadership renewal, and readiness for the upcoming general elections during his party conference speech.

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Full-time jobs for foreigners, gig jobs like food delivery and phv driving jobs and NS for Singaporeans.


PM LW is smart to point out that other countries have changed of govermment due to cost of living. One, that stage that if pap election result is not so good, is the global trend not becos of the ruling party. 2nd, this serve as instilling fear to the older generation that pap may lose and they gain sympathetic votes. The world is having inflation, why add fuel(GST hike, transport fee incl, utilities inc, hdb prics, coe price all going are all the minister who draw million doing to fix the prob? Instead of fixing the opposition?) to fire? To pap, is just a number to be in more profits, but is life and death for many lower income family! How can u turn deaf ears to all these social prob you have created over so many years of ruling?


Yeah cost of living is not due to pap! Which part of the world do you need to buy(it should be rent as we can use it for only 10 years) a car paying a paper license(COE-certificate of entitlement) for $120K(gov charge), car price $30k(car maker charge) and omv(gov charge) of $30K for a 1600cc sedan amounting to warping $$180k/car!!! And $180K can only drive for 10 years. Which part of the world a public housing of 4-room flat(3 bedrooms, 1 living room) of less than 95SQM cost more than $500k to purchase? So if u add owning a car and a 4-room flat, a young couple need a $500k to purchase and most will end up taking loan and serving the loan for a live time. We have not talk about other expenses. and most graduate are only drawing month of $3k? How does the mathematic work? We stay here for life, pay until our pants drop also cannot clear the loan!!! But minister shan just one transaction, sell his Good class Bangalow and profited $80 million. Your latest inflation figure is 2.1%, is becos you exclude housing and car to get this beautiful figure.


GE1968: 87% votes, 100% seats
GE1972: 70% votes, 100% seats
GE1976: 74% votes, 100% seats
GE1980: 78% votes, 100% seats
GE1984: 65% votes, 99% seats
GE1988: 63% votes, 99% seats
GE1991: 61% votes, 95% seats
GE1997: 65% votes, 98% seats
GE2001: 75% votes, 98% seats
GE2006: 67% votes, 98% seats
GE2011: 60% votes, 93% seats
GE2015: 70% votes, 93% seats
GE2020: 61% votes, 89% seats
GE2025: ??? votes, ??? seats


why are people who earn above 5k n have stable jobs are allowed to drive as grab drivers n lessening earnings of drivers who have only this source of income 🤔


He LW, had said that in 2030, he is going to rise GST again. By the time, can you imagine how expensive the things in Singapore. The PAP can not guarantee Singaporean anything except increasing taxes and price. We need more opposition Party to help us.


top.up medisave regularly ..good gesture ..cannot use medisave for essential dental needs doesn't seem like a good n thoughtful gesture


PAP will still win handsomely .a win is a win even is just 0.01


!!I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 385K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30% annually in dividend returns. any good recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated..


If government return local breed whole-life hard-earned stressed n sweat c p f money sooner and reduce h d d prices probably they will win every elections, who ever wins are not our concerns, our local concerns are local talent salary are not higher than foreigners, just take example a Malaysian earning the same salaries they can back home build rolls of landed houses whereas our small and ever cramped h d b units with salary same as our neighbours after paying whole life also can't finish paying that's not only a landed or freehold and when we get old no more savings left for survival not to mention retirement when our c p f are return the 1st 5k when members turned 55 then have to wait another dark long ten years before members can be return bit by bit worst than taking jobless welfare that big country gave
