I finally got FREE Tesla FSD v12.3.2.1 (Full Self-Driving) for 1 Month / Nerve-Racking FSD Test!

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Tesla is now offering a free one month trail of Full Self-Driving (FSD) Capability for new vehicle buyers, in another effort to increase the visibility of FSD Beta among customers.

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next time, put up your passenger visor.


I got it to my Model 3 2022 yesterday and oh wow what a big difference from previous versions. This is game changing, feels human! I can almost say it’s perfect


1. The FSD trial is for North America. I got the trial in Canada as well. :)
2. You can press the gas pedal if you want the car to accelerate when the autopilot is engaged.


Thanks for the video of your first experience with FSD. I just got FSD too on my Model Y. My first trip was spooky, a bit. I had to intervene several times. The worst one was FSD tried to change lanes in the middle of an intersection. I prevented that, and completed the lane change after the intersection. When the car had to choose one of two left hand turning lanes, it seemed indecisive, and dithered the wheel left, right, left right, like it couldn’t decide which lane to line up in. I took control and selected the outermost lane (from center of the road). Arriving at a destination, the car simply stopped on the street and didn’t try to enter the parking lot driveway. I’m not sure if it is supposed to do that yet. Lastly, FSD had no idea where my home was when returning there. Basically, it drove to a street in back of my house and thought I was home. There is no driveway to my house at that location. In fact, it’s a nearly vertical hillside 40 feet below my house. It would be quite the offroad experience to get up to my house from there. It’s some kind of mapping problem, I’ll probably have to reset the “home” location. Overall, FSD was able to handle mixed city, freeway, lane changes, traffic lights, and stop signs pretty well (with a little help).


Thanks for posting your first experience. One friendly advice, fold up the visors so viewers can see the road well. I camera cud have been positioned lower so the view of the road is I understand that you wanted your face to be see (in rear view mirror) as you spoke.


On the left turn, you messed with it too much, just trust it


You can push the car through the intersection on a yellow/red light by tapping the accelerator pedal if you want FSD to stay engaged. This is obviously a gray area where some people would move through the intersection as the light turns red, where others would stay in the crosswalk and wait for a green arrow. Just personal preference and not a big issue imo.


I got my Model Y just over a month ago and bought a month long subscription to FSD. It does a great job, but can get, as you saw, conservative on multi-lane intersections. I downloaded the v12 yesterday and am impressed. The 180 degree visualization is great! Can't wait to try it on the highway.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I’m planning to give it a try now. Nervous and excited at the same time!


All of the negative comments are absolutely ridiculous. You realize the car is driving itself correct? This is absolutely incredible.


This is really amazing, considering so many variables on the road. This is a pioneering effort from Tesla without a doubt. 👍


Very important to get these new FSD user impressions.


Wow. I literally bought a subscription yesterday. Would have been great to have received some sort of notification that there would be a free trial happening.


I just got the update on my tesla. Im stressing out a lot wondering whether I should try it out or not, but your video makes it seem worth trying.


Very cool to see first time FSD users reaction! Getting by refresh M3 this week or next, can't wait to try it as well!


Great video! I'm waiting for my D/L to turn FSD on. Awesome.


Great video, thanks! I didn’t know FSD had come down with this last update. I’m going to give it a try as well.

Love that it can also self park!

Maybe the reason it didn’t turn left is because your test was on the average profile, not assertive. Who knows?


I have been testing mine in my M3LR the last couple days. It's pretty cool but I don't think I would buy it. I have to grab the wheel or turn a scroll wheel about every 30 seconds so to me I might as well just drive it myself which i don't mind instead of constantly getting prompted to pull on the wheel. I can relax a lot better just holding the wheel and chilling out, accelerating and changing lanes on my own.


This version 12( no longer Beta).. it is change to “supervised FSD”… previous version 10 r 11 … drive tend to robotic when making lane change or right turn and from time to time break to hard… you should try long drive with more traffic..


I used FSD for the first time. Wow Awesome!!
