Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W07A | The Bogged, A Swampy Skeleton!

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Snapshot 24W07A for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds a new mob, the Bogged for Minecraft 1.21. This new Bogged mob is a skeleton varient.

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0:00 Mojang Listens!
0:51 The Bogged Texture
1:45 Where Bogged Spawn
2:13 Bogged Attributes
2:59 Bogged Loot
3:40 Wind Charge Abilities
4:35 Wind Charge Changes
5:36 Hopper Changes
6:25 Season 10

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3:15 I feel like bogged dropping regular arrows in addition to tipped is intentional, since the stray also does that (presumably so that if you're farming them you can get regular arrows in case you want to tip those with something else)

So now I'm wondering if they'll add a way to convert regular skeletons into bogged, since they added something like this for strays with powder snow


Imagine an escape room where you have to wait for a panda to sneeze out the key


We now have the Bogged, but yet no Minecraft Bog biome. I have been saying for years that we need a Bog biome or something akin to it that makes better use of near-surface waterlogged tunnels as its own unique form of environmental challenge.

I’m a huge wildlife biology nerd and have visited an actual Bog with wild carnivorous plants, and I can tell you exactly what the difference is between a Bog, a Marsh, and a Swamp.

Bogs have essentially zero waterflow, which is why they have such a low oxygen and high acidity content in the water and how you get dead things being preserved as Bog-mummies. A Bog doesn’t have actual fully-solid ground underneath your feet, it’s just a few-feet-thick layer of Sphagnum moss and floating dead plant matter, and then beneath that is water going much deeper. Stepping on that stuff was like stepping onto a huge wet sponge.


4:51 It's not just glass panes, wind charges can go through any non-full block, and this was confirmed to be a bug. They can travel through soul sand, walls, fences, closed trapdoors, honey blocks, etc etc. as long as it's not a full block it goes right through it. Likely we'll see this fixed in the very next snapshot.


Probably the reason why the bogged dropped regular arrows is probably their drops behaves similar to strays and skeletons.
Really cool type of skeleton.(even though I still like the wither skeleton more)


I've been having troubles signing in to the feedback website, so I can't submit my idea myself, but with wind charges being able to go through glass, it made me thing of iron bars. I think that wind charges going through iron bars and/or copper grates would be really cool.


Holy shit a new hostile common mob
I'm actually both incredibly impressed by how well its balanced in terms of what it does but also that mojang even added a new non-niche hostile mob


I feel like this is a great opportunity to have "quicksand" or "bog tar" in swamp biomes. Basically a similar feature to powder snow. You fall through it (and drown instead of freezing). If a skeleton drowns in quicksand, it becomes a bogged. You can pick it up with a bucket just like powder snow, and it looks very similar to normal mud, so it is easy to miss in the swamp.


Its nice to see some new variations of existing mobs, think it fits better with the various biomes, specially since villagers are biomes specific too. Kinda ties it all together.


Pretty sure they are meant to drop normal arrows as well, since the stay does so as well


Bogged feels like it belonged more in the Wild Update ngl. Still intrigued to actually see it.


Mojang should add a bogged spawner in jungle temples


I also think the amount of poison the bogged give you should be dependent on game difficulty, trail chambers would actually feel like a good challenge.


I'd love to see other mob variants of already added mobs similar to the stray and husk. Imagine brown spiders in the deepslate layer and the give you blindness when damaging you similar to some dangerous spiders in real life.


I think it would be cool if their eyes would glow like those of spiders.
Like imagine walking through the mangrove swamp at night and seeing those glowing eyes in the darkness!!


Easier access to poison arrows is gonna be really cool. I don’t often make my own tipped arrows.


I feel like this might not be a case of "Mojang Listens" but rather they meant to do that from the start and the skeletons with poison arrows were placeholder. I found it quite weird that there were just randomly skeletons holding tipped arrows in offhand as one of the enemies. Still a cool addition though!


I did some testing with the wind charge, and with good timing:
-A single jump can clear 7 blocks
-You can jump even higher by sneaking, which can clear 10 blocks
-And with Jump boost 2 you can clear 12 blocks with a single jump!


Mojang should really implement a series of new skins for all the mobs, including passive. It’s been 15 years and we still only have 1 color of pig. Adding some skin variety would be a very low effort but high reward addition.


Having just built a honey farm that relies on those hopper mechanics, I'm glad to see it has been changed. I'm really proud of my build & didn't want to have to do a complete redesign.
