Alone at the Party- JUSTICE COW X BEN LEVIN
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Music video animated by Ben Levin
Music written and performed by Ben Levin, Justice Cow, Bradford Krieger, and Chaimes Parker
Lyrics by Justice Cow and Ben Levin
Mixed by Bradford Krieger
Produced by Justice Cow. Ben Levin, Bradford Krieger, and Chaimes Parker
Engineered by Bradford Krieger and Chaimes Parker at Big Nice Studio in Lincoln RI
Mastered by Randy Roos at Squam Sound
I'm alone at the party
we're all alone at the party
getting further apart
getting further apart at the party
And we don't need to go home to be gone
And when home isn't sweet anymore
We're all staring and smelling like spit
cause we're home all alone when we party
I'm gardening and touching myself
Reading to my vegetables
And it's nice to feel young again
With no clue how this will end
I'm alone at the party
we're all alone at the party
Getting further apart getting further apart
at the part at the party
I'm crying on mom's cardigan
Leaving all my angst for my bestest friends
and it's nice to feel wrong again
with no clue how this will end
I'm alone at the party
we're all alone at the party
Getting further apart getting further apart
at the part at the party
Whatever makes you comfortable
Digital or physical
you're only gonna have to show your elliptical you mean it
Whatever makes you comfortable
I'm only made of minutes
I'm only made of chicken
I'm only made of chicken
I'm only vending pizza
so put your penny in it