Fat of the Land – Chapter 6: Living on the Fat of the Land

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Chapter 6 of The Fat of the Land, by Vilhjalmur Stefansson

If you’ve ever felt nervous about whether this way of eating can be good for you, consider listening to this reading of Fat of the Land by Vilhjalmar Stefansson. Some of your favorite YouTube Carnivores collaborated to record each chapter of this seminal book which documents Stefansson’s experiences living with the Inuit of the arctic circle in the early part of the 20th century. Stefansson describes in great detail the traditional diet of the Inuit and his own experience transitioning from the usual European rations to eating locally. Not only is it refreshing to hear his challenges and ultimate success, but also to hear the Inuit recommendations on fixing these challenges. A healthy population that has been eating this way for many many generations has much wisdom to share about reaching optimal health.

The Fat of the Land has been reprinted for Kindle and of course there is the free pdf that anyone can download, but if you find it difficult to read in that format, then this recording is for you! Please share widely the playlist link and check out all of our YouTube channels, we carnivores are a pretty diverse and fascinating bunch! Also note this book was written in the 1950s so some of the language/concepts are dated and not what we’d expect to hear today. Despite that, this book holds great value in the first hand, highly descriptive account of Inuit customs and practices. As always, take what is helpful to you and leave the rest.

Special Thanks to:

Caitlan Weeks aka Grass fed Girl

Ede Fox aka The Black Carnivore

Thomas Clark aka thomasalanclark

Sarah aka Carnivore Yogi

Dr. Lisa Wiedeman aka Carnivore Doctor

Dr. Shawn Baker

Michaelanthony aka Meat0sis

Emily M. aka Center of Brilliance

Bart Kay aka Nutrition Science Watchdog

Travis Statham aka Carniway

Jill Samter

Raymond Nazon

Fat of the Land Playlist:

Free PDF of The Fat of the Land

#Carnivorediet #FatoftheLand #vilhjalmurstefansson

Рекомендации по теме

Dude, you have the perfect voice for voice-over work. 👌🏾


This was a joy to listen to. Thank you 😊


I wish you voiced the whole book, you read so well!


Just yesterday the thought popped into my head " I wonder what Michael Anthony is up to? I've not seen anything from him in my feed in awhile?" This morning, BOOM, there he is! So good to see you still here and doing your thing. Thank you for what you do!


Came here from hearing Bart Kay mentioning this audio project. New subscriber, thanks 😊👍


The analysis of the stubborn and trendy people avoiding and wasting fat reminds me of a 'staycation' I went on as a child, my family are low income so this holiday a few towns over in a cheap B&B was a massive financial setback. We ate on a budget, we had lunch in this family pub, I remember a posh couple ordering a on the table next to us having ordered a large meal with a load of giant lamb chops, they left about a minute before us and I was so tempted to steal the fat they had perfectly calved off - wasting that would be criminal in my family! :D
I love fat, I can't get enough of oxtail in a crocpot, I bake a load of meats in containers with lids or stew then with a lid on as even though I love fried foods, it's a shame for that fat to just float up to your walls.

Those stories about the chubby corpses being stolen months later, grim. :/

The tales of adapting taking generations is nonsense I have heard so often, I went to Florida and struggled so bad with that heat for the first day, things got better, plenty of people get sick from jetlag, the food, the temperature, high altertude etc.
If it takes generations, how are people having babies in conditions that are too much for them?

Thank you for reading this, it's really informative and you know you found a calling in audiobooks.


Hello Mr. Anthony, Thank you for this. Quite a Interesting Read indeed. The skipping of the record part of the read was delightfully humorous. 100% Belly Laugh . Boñ Appétit & Cheers from Oklahoma.


I'm excited to hear about this collaboration! I'm always interested in the Eddas & Similar writings & cultures. It will likely take me a while listen through them all. Amongst Australian Aboriginal peoples fat is also prized, ie, The fatty part of the kangaroo tail, & wittchetty grubs (almost entirely fat)


o my...im at 0.06 mins & u'r quotng th quote ive been quotng n mind, since yestrday...ok, now il continue wth th video...lol...
terri a.


Is there a book like this about salt???


Not to contradict, it's just I was literally just looking this up an hour ago and wanted to share..

Genesis 1:29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Genesis 1:30 - And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Genesis 9:3 - Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things

Ezekiel 47:12 - And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

Ezekiel 4:9 - Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, [according] to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof.

Isaiah 38:21 - For Isaiah had said, Let them take a lump of figs, and lay [it] for a plaister upon the boil, and he shall recover.

Song of Solomon 4:14 - Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices:

Leviticus 7:23-24 ESV
“Speak to the people of Israel, saying, You shall eat no fat, of ox or sheep or goat. The fat of an animal that dies of itself and the fat of one that is torn by beasts may be put to any other use, but on no account shall you eat it.


Wow, you pulled off that Icelandic phrase like you have been speaking Icelandic your whole life!


Full Audiobook here. Thanks Michael Anthony for contributing your voice and energy to this project. BTW your Icelandic is amazing!


Is everyhing fine with you?? You did not upload any YouTube video lastly. Hope you are healthy and fine.


It is surprisingly comforting to hear you read this.


Good narrating voice for fat of the land!! Bravo!


I wanted to thank each of you who have put this together. This was so amazingly kind of you. There are so many people like me, who HATE ATO READ and while I have the ability, I don’t take the time to do it.

I own this book in electronic form, but have secretly been waiting for it to be done on audio. I have heard that it will never be done in audio book form, but this is so much better.

I know that each of you who read your part are a huge supporter of his way of eating and i need you each to know how amazing the gift that you have given all carnivores is.

Again, thank you so much, you all are truly a blessing and I will crochet my projects happily as I listen to you.


o...th less watr point is beneficl...as we realize from personl xperenc tht 8 8oz of watr daily is unnecssry...tho, as a formr athlete i think i also became dependnt on drinkng lots of wtr-pelegrino minrl watr-& its been hard lettng tht go...
but i hv to, so as to keep electrolyte balance...i think th ncrease fat helps break tht watr log depndncy on watr...
terri a.


let me mention 1st tht wth regards to cain & able, ppl ddnt start eatng animal meat till aftr th flood-gen 9:1-7...most likly, animals were kept for clothng, oil, buildng material & tools n able's time b-4 th flood...still, able's offerng was of his best animals-tht was th sacrifice...cain did not bring G.O.D. his best fruit of th land...

2ndly, th genetic hebrew israelites were deeply melanatd ppl wth woolly hair & tendd to b lean wth muscle tone-their true descndnts still present much of ths phenotype...thez ppl did eat fatty meats as "rich food" & had to use thez best cuts of fatty meats as their offerings/& sacrifice, as genrly depictd n th bblcl txt-levitcus 1-3...(karzai convrts; jew-sh ndo uropn ppl follow mostly their talmud & othr such wrtngs; not th orgnl torah...) 

& 3rdly, ndgns ppl did not practc cannbalsm-th opposit is most likly accurate-non ndgns ppl, not famlr wth nature & likly n despratn, practcd cannblsm...

now about th readng:

well, it was a challeng...lol...thank u for takng th time, n any case... 

it was challngng mostly, bcuz ndigns knowng is thousands of yrs of actual/personal xperence...
westrn/ndo uropn/colnlsts' notions r pretty much all basd on speculatns foundd on rac bias & for profit & powr...hence, listenng to ovr an hr of an ndo-uropn perspectv, was rathr challengng...notng also th language of thoz times, made th listnng xcruciatng, at times...

i kept on, as i prayd to b patient...ive learnd quite a bit from ppl who r less than ethical & not ntegrity drivn-referrng to colonlsts/nslvrs...

n th 1930s weston price clearly demonstratd tht ndgns diets were naturaly healthy-most hgh n animal fat & protein...whn i point ths out, i am especially thinkng of th inuit ppl & their "blubber diets"...ths fact helpd me to eliminate carbs from my diet; evn whn all th medcl ppl were tellng me tht i shud'nt...

1940s aftr th war pesticides grew n use n usa...

i think th "whte mn's" initial bias of fat was due to its associatn wth ndgns ppl...latr, around th 1970s, th medcl, sugr & pfls ndustries simultnsly wagd campaigns to mplicate animal fat & not sugr, for heart disease...

i research to xpose contrdctns...

as for plots & schemes; fear, money & th perceptn of powr r very addctng ncentives to kill/murdr & lie to ppl...perhaps, there4, we mght considr wht othr areas mght b compromisd by patrrchy, rac & captlsm?...

u mentiond th erth revolvng th sun-is ths personl xperence talkng or yrs of suggstv & book learnng since u were about 5 yrs old?...

if & whn u r enabld, thez links of relatvly short videos, mght b enlghtnng to u...michaelanthony, u r always appreciatd... 

dr richard berstein's diabetes prt 1

dr richard berstein's diabetes prt 2

eugencs/evoltn n religion...

hebrew israelites

terri a.
