What Will The Day of My Death Be Like? | Why Me? EP. 28 | Dr. Omar Suleiman | A Ramadan Series

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Your date of death has arrived. There are many signs that will hint to you and those around you about the state in which you will meet your Lord. As your vision blurs, your body stills, and your soul departs your body—will the angels of death greet you with reassurance or with doom?

Captioning provided by Muhsen.


Jami at-Tirmidhi 2142
Sahih Ibn Hibban 342
Qur’an, 39:10
Qur’an, 28:83
Qur’an, 20:131
Qur’an: 50:22
Qur’an, 41:30

Al-Hikam al-Ataa’iyyah 245:

جَعَلَكَ فِي العَالَمِ المُتَوَسِّطِ بَيْنَ مُلْكِهِ وَمَلَكُوتِهِ لِيُعْلِمَكَ جَلاَلَةَ قَدْرِكَ بَيْنَ مَخْلُوقَاتِهِ ، وَأَنَّكَ جَوْهَرَةٌ تَنْطَوِي عَلَيْهَا أَصْدَافَ مُكْوَّنَاتِهِ .
He placed you in the middle realm between his physical world and his metaphysical world to inform you of the loftiness of your rank among his creatures. You are a gem merely enclosed by the shells of created forms.


Narrator Dr. Omar Suleiman
Hassan's Father Mohammed Momin Baig
Hassan Noaman Farooq
Yusuf Muhammed Ayachi
Hassan's Mother Safiyyah Saarah Khan
Hassan's Wife Dua Amnah Sultan
Masjid Volunteer Abrar Islam

Note: Only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

As we venture into the space of producing higher quality media, we’ve worked hard to make sure that our compliance with our religious ethics is not sacrificed. While Yaqeen has always produced vocals for our Ramadan series, this series was unique in that it also included the story of a family in the background. Our talented production team worked with our scholars to ensure that all actors were in proper hijab, and that all gender interactions were only by Mahrams in real life. We’re grateful to the team for its wonderful effort, and grateful to the families that agreed to participate.

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Ya Rahman admit me and whoever is reading this into Jannat ul Firdous out of Your mercy and grant us the honor of drinking from the Hawd Al Kawthar by the blessed hands of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Ameen 🤲🏽


My brother passed away this ramadan in an accident. May Allah forgive all his shortcomings and admit him into the highest rank in Jannat ul Firdaws ❤


I lost my mother on the day of Eid 10th of April 2024.She slumped in the mosque after prayers. She became conscious so I took her to the hospital but unfortunately she died within 30 minutes in the doctors’ care. I am happy her last act on earth was prayer. I will miss her deeply as she was my best friend. Dr. Hadijah Ladi Umar was a pious woman. May Allah Grant her Aljannatul Firdaus . Inna lillahi wa Inna illaihi raji’un.


One day you will smile and say, 'Oh Allah, this is more than I prayed for


I am from Mali and this Ramadan has been a trying period for us. On top of the conflict leaving thousands people displaced or dead, there are never seen before waves of heat (almost 50 Degrees celsius ) in some areas and with that, the death toll rising. Hospitals’ mortuaries are over capacity, some can welcome 100 dead people per day. Most of them are children and old people who died because of the heat (they stop breathing at night….).
Please, include all the ummah in your prayers. Some do suffers more than others but all lives are equal to Allah!
May Allah grant them all as well as our deceased ones Jannah! May him facilitate a good ending to all of us. Ameen 🤲🏿


I lost my father in December. Not a single day has not passed that I haven’t made dua for his forgiveness and for him to be given Al Firdous. May Allah give us all a good ending and only take us when he is pleased with us ☝🏻


As a doctor, this episode just hit me on another level, although i have seen multiple patients pass away, i particularly remember being posted in surgical icu in November, and one of the patient, who was suffering from acute necrotizing pancreatitis had developed comparment syndrome, despite vent, his sats were dropping... throughout that day, his son was sitting on his bedside with surah rahman on repeat.. we had to activate code blue 3 times before he finally lost the battle of life. There was a peculiar sense of calmness around this episode. Was it surah rahman, the angels? Can pin point, but What shook me after watching this? Why didn't I realise there were angels surrounding that patient when it was time to go, while we were discussing the causes of compartment syndrome, why did I not internalise death or the fact that I'll go like this too.


Asalamu alaykum everyone. Don’t ever despair in the mercy of Allah. Always ask allah for forgiveness and take matters into your own hands — if you say Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahil adheem x100 a day, all your sins will be forgiven even if it was like the foam of the sea (and you plant a palm tree for each time you say it!). And say Alhamdulliah because Allah wanted you to see this comment out of the billions of people on this world. Inshallah I will invite you all to my garden in jannah to meet you all ❤😊


“To Allah we belong, and to Him, we all return”


May none of be afraid of death when the angel of death appears. imam Omar Suleiman everything you are doing for the ummah will reap you many benefits in this life and the next. Your mum must be very proud of you 🥹😭❤️


lost my grandmother due to lung cancer right before ramadan and lost my father in a car accident a few years ago. Subhan Allah. O Allah accept their good deeds and grant them jannah and wipe away their sins with the sufferings they faced in the dunya.Ameen


Ya Rabb take our soul when ever you are pleased with our deeds.


How very beautiful your words are … like a balm on painful hearts . My mother passed in an earthquake and we found her in rubble 9 days later, in Ramadan. And now there is the Palestinian rubble, the straight path to Jannah . God bless you Sheikh


No doubt these series have changed our spiritual level, it’s ending but we are gonna rewatch it to gain the wisdom.may allah keep us on right path and don’t let us astray amen sum ameen 🤲🏻✨


Please pray for my mum who passed away 🤲🏾 may Allah grant her jannatal firduus, Ameen


My beloved mother returned to her Lord with a smile on her face. I pray that she is in a better place with comforts of Jannah. Ameen ya rab


I have been so upset for our brothers and sisters and children in GAZA. This brought me some sort of reconciliation with death. Jazak Allah


I wonder how emotional and transformational doing this series must have been on these actors 😢


Ma sha Allah. My beloved mother was crashed in an accident the first day of this Ramadan while fasting. Its a lot of pain every day but Alhamdulillah this episode gave me so much ease❤ I please request everyone reading this to add her in thier prayers. JazakalLahu khair🙏


Ya Allah, let the best of our life time be it's ending, and the best deed be that we seal our lives with, and the best of our days the day we meet you❤
