Watch This before Eating LUCKY CHARMS!! Is LUCKY CHARMS BAD for YOU?! **Re-Visited 2022**

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Lucky Charms is one of those breakfast cereals you know has to be unhealthy for you. Its almost laughable.. think about it.. Marsh-mellow.. colorful rice bits! No way this is apart of a balanced breakfast! So i'm curious to know.. is lucky charms as un-healthy as we think??? so.. To the INGREDIENTS LIST!
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Lucky Charms used to be a really good cereal back in the 90s and early 2000s. I don't know what happened, but since the covid pandemic started, General Mills has been having a lot of issues with E.coli breakouts with Lucky Charms. The same thing has been ongoing with Chef Boyardi canned spaghetti products. It really sucks because I miss eating all that stuff.
