THERMOCHEMISTRY | Chp 7 | MCQ'S for MCAT, ECAT, PPSC, FPSC | first year chemistry | by Waris Hameed

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#mcqs #mcq #mcqs #mcat #ecat #part #practices #yield #fractional #reaction #effectiveness #synthetic #theoretical #limit #limiting #reactant #limitingreactant #reagent #combustion #analysis #combustionanalysis #empirical #formula #molecular #molecularformula #vs #lecture #molarvolume #molar #volume #cubic #meters #gases #mass #symbol #Introduction #WarisHameed #mass #spectrometry #spectrometer #ms #isotopes #definition #chemistry #concepts #FSC #classes #online #ion #molecular #molecularion #proton #nucleus #orbit #online #classes #chemistry #neutron #molecule #definition #mass #isotopes #definition #chemistry #concepts #FSC #classes #online #ion #molecular #molecularion #proton #nucleus #orbit #warishameed #online #classes #chemistry #neutron #molecule #definition

Hello Students,
in this video I tried to explain you about the MCQ's ECAT & MCAT
i will try to close these Mcq's as soon as possible.

Medical College Admission test (MCAT)
Engineering College Admission Test (ECAT)
Are the tests which include Biology, Physics, Chemistry and English.
These tests just only consist on MCQ's. So Students need much practice for their success.
This video includes :
Multiple choice questions related to
A. Number of Moles
B. Avogadro's Number
C. Molar Volume
D. Calculations of their numerical problems
E. Ion and its election calculations
And their solutions.

I hope you guys are enjoying my lectures, please stay tuned to have more and share these lectures with your friends to get benefits.

Best Regards
Waris Hameed

some other lectures videos links are as following,

What is atom?
What is molecule?
What is Ion & Molecular Ion?
Mass Spectrometry
Mole & Measuring unit of substance?
Avogadro’s Number & its Numerical Problems
What is molar volume?
Empirical Formula VS Molecular formula
Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | NMR |
Combustion Analysis
Limiting Reactant


General MCQ's Practices of CHEM | Chap #1(1st year Part 1)| of MCAT and ECAT
Рекомендации по теме

energy of reactant is less in case of endothermic reaction ..that why is gain energy to form product ..if its energy was lgreater than product then its will loss energy to form a product ..i am talking about mcq 9..


q12, as in thermodytnamics we take gase as ideal gas so in ideal gas the energy is only due to tranlatory motion.but i am not sure that this concepts also applies on thermochemistry please clear my concepts..


Sir 9 mcq is absolutely wrong
How can reactants be more than products its such a basic mcq sir
Heat absorb so products will be more than reactats !!pls review the answers before uploading
