Top 15 Hardest Moons in Super Mario Odyssey

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Hey guys and welcome to todays video the Top 15 Hardest Moons in Super Mario Odyssey. If this video looks familiar to you its because it was one of the first videos on my channel but I decided to remake it and remaster it to a much better list. I hope you enjoy and please subscribe!

I forget what level it was but there's one moon where you have to traverse an area by becoming the frog and jumping over the poisonous sea, you have to time everything perfectly. Took me quite a long time to get the hang of it. Picture one was easy for me! It's also super fun to make the scariest Mario possible.


I can't wait to be nostalgic about this game in 10 years


The fact that you ranked the Breakdown Road and Jaxi Ruins moons so close together grinds my gears immensely


When i finally beat a long journeys end cappy made me cry :(


I've just done a 100% run and can give a few tips
15: don't get impatient, only use cappy when you have too
14: he explains it best
13: building momentum can be done by rolling and long jumping, keeping it can be done by triple jumping, which can matter if you need height
12: I found the ice one more difficult, but like in that one crouching can make you walk more specifically
11: once you know where the ground is there isn't a problem, destroying piranhas gives you a bit of space and the first moon heals you
10: using cappy alone, if he bumps into mario he gets stuck
9: just go through it a few times for the fruit
8: breaking the jaxi, otherwise I'd say you've just got to be lucky
7: you can jump alot later than you think, like just after you've fallen off the edge
6: he explains best
5: memory? I didn't have a problem personally, his nose is most important to start
4: once you get to 50 you just have to press A at the frame you land, after a bit of good luck you'll get it
3: You heal inside the odessy and can go back inside in between bosses, get a 6 heart up powerup first
2: save health, get a heart up powerup beforehand
1: jump from the stairs to fight the first miniboss, wall jump up the poles, triple jump up the platforms, jumping on the biggest one, and ending the triple jump on the second biggest one, there's alot of hidden hearts if you explore, the most difficult part is when you're on a moving platform with one of those ring bells that shoots out a ring, you just have to stay in the corners and shoot sideways, if you hit one try jump onto the platforms the enemies are spawning on, bowser can shoot fireballs and has 6 health, sometimes it's easier to just let the boulders hit you instead of turning around
Hope some of these helped anybody


Me: hello i did the picture match room
Guard to something important: so?
Me: without taking a picture:
Guard: oh sorry right this way sir


I used the mario amiibo to cheese some sections. I'd say the hardest is jump rope genius.


I feel like nobody ever talks about the secret 2D treasure one, but that moon took me forever


5. Jump rope
4. The fucking sheep thing
3. Picture match
2. Volleyball
1. The PTSD-inducing BREAKDOWN ROAD, which still gives me emotional breakdowns daily


The trick to doing the picture one without tracing is to use the funky-colored border for reference: for instance, maybe his left eye starts at the yellow block horizontally and the green block vertically. With hat in mind, I did it in 2 or 3 tries.


The reason people was able to get because everyone used glitches


In the moon walking moon i did it pressing ZR so I could walk slower, I get 100 points.


My least favorite moon by far is the volleyball one, it's so annoying and time consuming. Most of the other hard moons are at least enjoyable to do


Honestly, I feel like breakdown road final challenge can be harder then a long journey’s end sometimes


Me: *does a long journeys end second try with relative ease*

Also me: *Only moon left is sheep one*


For the picture match, imagine a grid where the colored squares would intersect on Mario’s face and you’ll see that some of the features line up exactly with the grid lines


9:48 Wave of Poison: hop to it is a really difficult Power Moon, i died a lot trying to get this cursed Power Moon.


The moon walking one took me actual hours to do, I felt like I was doing it perfect every time then I would always get like 88 or something. Then I breezed through the actual hard ones in a few tries


I’m soo freaking glad that when you activate the monoliths you don’t need to do Jump Rope and Beach Volleyball once again because my God those made me rage soo hard but still you’re forced to repeat the Bouncy Races on the Snow Kingdom and not just only once but TWICE.


For the Eastern Pillar one, you don't need two bullet bills. Just jump to that first pillar using cappy as a bullet bill is chasing you.
