Bitcoin 2021: WTF Happened In 1971?

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Join Heavily Armed Clown and Ben Prentice from Bitcoin 2021 as they discuss "WTF Happened In 1971?"

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In a nutshell, corrupted people in power did what they know the best:

Good things for themselves, bad decisions for the people 😡


This presentation has all on it. You guys did an amazing research. You have things more than clear. Bravo!!! Thank you, this is really priceless. I have listened and read about it but you have put all in this presentation. By the way, a positive event in 1971 is that I was born that year ☺


I RARELY EVER listen to an economics video twice. In fact, I can generally BARELY STAND to listen to one of the silver/gold/bitcoin/etc talking heads even get through what they're saying before I'm sick of hearing them misstate and say economically illiterate things. Seriously, I can barely listen to Lyn Alden (just as an example) give her word salads for 5 minutes.

But these guys??? OMG. I listened to this video twice, and STILL am going to have to go back through it and make sure I got every bit of it. Just, they are INCREDIBLE how they tell it from the common man's perspective, how they don't use all the talking head economic word salads, they don't say stupid stuff like "secular bull market". They just hit it from like the everyday kind of guy, the guy on the street, the common sort of guy. Yet they FULLY UNDERSTAND wtf is going on. They just put it in such plain, common, easy-to-understand language and they make their points SO WELL.

Yes, the central banks buying up assets equals government seizing means of production. Yes, it's a straight path to communism. Yes, we've been on it for decades and will continue on it until we're all homeless and broke. I've been trying to tell my friends about this for years (though I only came to Bitcoin in the past year and it was like finding economic Jesus), to absolutely NO AVAIL. It got so bad I got to where I couldn't stand to talk to my entitled, big-government-loving friends as they had clearly turned into commies. People love their PPP $.

These guys were just SUCH a breath of fresh air. Thanks so much for the presentation, guys. I've got to hear more of you.


Yay!! Got stuck at lunch and missed this and was so bummed!


"Suspension of redemption of specie" is simply a default of the govt to honor their fiat notes in your wallet.


SPEAKERS: Any questions?
CROWD: (Hands go up) Yeah me.
ALSO CROWD: (doesn't ask one question, instead, makes a series of statements)


Executive Order 6102
it didn't start in 1971, but way before that


4:55 - You gotta shill them softly
17:35 - Behaves like every Bitcoiner, in every discussion.


17:24 exactly as the Marxists predicted and planned. This was the reason the Fabian Society founded the London School of Economics.


Lol. Btc down 70% since this conference. Gold down 15%


I want to translate CC of this video to my local language. Can anyone tell me how ?


but debt isn't bad you just let money printing send your current debt to zero, the real issue capital allocation which means Fiat can be directed to be massively unproductive or counterproductive, and via debt issuance and tax.


Excellent presentation. It gives a great view of where we came from. One correction. Your chart on the price of items in 1971 is a bit too generous. Gasoline was .28 cents a gallon. And we had what were called "gas wars" this was when there were multiple gas stations on each street corner and they competed fiercely to lower the price of gas. And at times it would drop down to their cost of about .22 cents a gallon. Just a little perspective.


What happened was they fucked with the currency


You don't have to buy BTC or crypto, but also you don't/won't be eating.
