Leaked FBI Evidence Exposes Brad Pitt's DV Of Angelina Jolie

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Leaked FBI Evidence Exposes Brad Pitt's DV Of Angelina Jolie

The FBI has finally exposed Brad Pitt for being abusive towards Angelina Jolie and their six kids during the course of their marriage. New FBI evidence has emerged proving that Brad was indeed guilty of all of Angelina's allegations regarding DV, but for some reason, the FBI closed the case without further investigation. What are the contents of these leaked FBI reports and why was the investigation scrapped?

Branjelina was everyone’s favourite Hollywood couple until 2016 when they split after being together for 9 years and married for 2. The hot couple had met while filming the 2005 hit movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith. At the time, Brad was happily married to Jennifer Aniston, but after rumours of infidelity surfaced that Brad was having an affair with Angelina, the pair broke up, and Brad officially started dating Angelina a year later.

#angelinajolie #bradpitt

I'm a mother and I would do ANYTHING to ensure my children are protected. I don't fault either of them, but drinking isn't pretty for kids, my father drank and guess whose side I was on, my mom's. The kids are getting older and they can make their own minds up in the future whether they want to be with their dad or not. I'm sure they will, but for now Angie is making sure they're protected that's all. Hope for a better future for all of them.


It wasn't just the FBI that decided to not bring charges. Two other entities had the same conclusion. Seems then he wasn't guilty. What was it that made her so vindictive. Rejection maybe?


She’s always put her children first. They want nothing to do with him and have even removed Pitt from their names. That speaks volumes about what they saw.


Can the American people sue the government for NOT giving us Epstein's client list? I care about child trafficking more than Hollywood divorce drama.


She hit him during the course of their relationship. She literally boasted about how she would get physical with him when they argued. Not only did she hit him but she was controlling and would constantly criticise him. This behavior was observed by employees of the couple but it’s OK for her to behave like that because she’s a woman and females abusing men is acceptable. I’m a woman and I would not behave like that to my partner or any man


Another woman (like Amber Heard) who can't move on and end their obsession with a man who is through with them.


It amazes me of how people throw a fit about his drinking and smoking pot, of which he got help for BUT at the same time are glorifying a heroin and cocaine addict, a satanist, a member of the illuminati, and flat out one messed up piece of manipulative


I hope she wasn't abused I love her


There is film of Brad, He cannot say it is not so. The FBI Did NOT clean Brad, that is a lie. They jest decided not to file charges. May have believed, it was a one time time thing. Angie would NOT have devoiced him if it had been.


I wonder what threats she made while she was hitting him.


I know what really happened on her private jet cos I heard the cockpit voice recorder and Brad was in the worng and angelina was so scared I was so very worried about her safety the argument between tem was so intense it was really Intense I feared for her safety Brad should have be arrested immediately he needs help serious help if he ever hurts angelina jolie again he will suffer the consequences dearly he will be in prison for a long time


She and Anger Turd, I mean Amber Heard, comparing notes? These women give women a bad name.


She is no dummy. I am sure she was not happy with the drinking etc. and may have been done with him and the relationship but planned how to engage him knowing his triggers so that she could have the situation that developed. Only the two people involved know the real truth. Based on that you have to look at the facts only and if there was never a charge brought against him in all those years to do with the children or her is very telling. A mother who loves her children does not involve them in a divorce. The ultimate protection of your children is to NOT bring them into court etc. when they are legally adults and experiencing their own relationships they will view everything they thought before very differently. It is just a matter of time. Brad immediately got help and turned that part of his life around. I don’t hear any praise from her direction concerning that. He got sober and stayed sober. It is hard to see someone be as vindictive as she is. The ones who suffer the most are always the children.


What is it with women?when a relationship breaks down? They feel the need to alienate the father too gain complete control of the children…Should have more respect for the children and the father!?..They need both parents in their lives…(despite the spelling of my name am female and married 46 years)Seen too many fake stories to belittle fathers by mothers who are supposed to want the best for their children…..What they actually want is the ex removed from their space it’s not all about you.🤷‍♀️


If we truly love this couple we should be praying for them to reconcile for their love and their beautiful children.


Pls.relay my message to jolie pitts family i like to share this dont just see the bad side of a person see also the good side bec.you are family understand each other forget n forgive put God above all and He will be with you always...ty


I have never liked her. The whole thing with the vials of blood seemed satanic to me. I think she is creepy. And the way she has treated the father of her children is beyond despicable. She has tried to turn the children against him. Vicious.


Mrs anjellina, and mrs jenifar lopez they are 2 sisters. Mr and mrs widen.


This sounds like the same story that amber said about Johnny I wonder if amber used this as hers or other way round bit strage but there’s definitely a theam going on from celebrity wife’s accusing high profile a list men I can answer about Angelana or brad as I’ve not been following this,


Why is she calling the FBI? Why did she wait years and not call the local cops like the rest of us? She’s Amber Heard
