Humanitarian and Political Crisis in Haiti: A Roadmap for the Future

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Hosted by the Humanitarian Action Initiative & the Latin American and Hemispheric Studies Program on September 17, 2021.

In one week in mid-August, Haiti was struck by both a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, which devastated the southwestern part of the country, and Tropical Storm Grace. Both occurred during a period of political instability caused by intense and persistent gang violence, and massive political protests against President Jovenel Moïse, which ended with his assassination in July.

Haitian officials estimate over 600,000 individuals are in need of humanitarian assistance, but relief has been slowed by impassable roads, mudslides resulting from heavy rains, and gang violence. Despite these hazards, locally-led community groups, many formed after the 2010 earthquake, are providing immediate assistance and care. Previous failed interventions and scandals involving organizations, such as MINUSTAH, the American Red Cross and Oxfam, produce a deep mistrust of
external actors and further complicate relief efforts. The cumulative effects of these events risk further destabilizing fragile political and economic systems.

Panelists will discuss the historical and political context in Haiti, the current political and humanitarian situation, as well as pathways forward.

Moderator: Prof. Diego Abente Brun, Director, Latin American and Hemispheric Studies Program

Discussant: Prof. Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre, Associate Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Humanitarian Action Initiative

- Alyssa Goldstein Sepinwall, Ph.D., Professor of History, California State University San Marcos
- Jean Eddy Saint Paul, Ph.D, Professor of Sociology, and former founding director of the CUNY Haitian Studies Institute, Brooklyn College
- Cécile Accilien, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor of African And African Diaspora Studies - Kennesaw State University
- Louino ‘Robi’ Robillard, Co-founder of Konbit Soley Leve movement; Konbit Bibliyotek Site Soley; the Cite Soleil Peace Prize; Pak Nan Ginen; and Konbit San Pou San and Program Director of Future Generations Haiti and Rasin Devlopman
- Emmanuela Douyon, Founder of POLICITÉ and leader of Nou pap dòmi and Petrochallenger
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