Prophy vs. Deep Cleaning...What's the difference? | Healthy Mouth Dental Cleaning vs. SRP

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Have you gone to the dentist and they told you or someone you love that they need a deep cleaning? Did you think the dentist was trying to pull a fast one on you? Do you feel like you shouldn't get a deep cleaning and wonder what the consequences of not getting one are?

If so, this video is for you. I'll explain the difference between a healthy mouth cleaning or a prophy or simple cleaning vs. a deep cleaning or SRP.

You likely need a deep cleaning if you have a few of the following:
1. Bleeding when brushing or flossing
2. Deep-pocket depths
3. Bone loss

A few benefits of getting that deep cleaning are:
1. Better breath
2. Better overall health (orally and systemically)
3. Fewer tartar issues in the future
4. Money savings

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I haven't been to the dentist in a long long time. I'm terrified. Now my gums bleed and swell 😭 I finally have insurance and I'm gearing up to go get it done


It is a scam. I am 76 yo and have had my teeth cleaned the same way for most of my life. There was no differentiation between above and below the gum line. The hygienist just cleaned as needed. About 10 years ago dentists discovered they could separate the cleanings and charge more for "deep cleaning" Here is a letter from a registered dental hygenist to DentistryIQ a RDH Journal. I had to copy the letter because they won't let me post a link.

Dear RDH eVillage:

I have been a dental hygienist for 25 years. I truly love what I do, have not gotten burnt out, and am a young-looking 48-year-old. I live in a town where there is a community college with a hygiene program that graduates students yearly, so the competition is fierce as far as jobs are concerned and jobs are far and few between.

I would like to know what is happening to dentistry these days? I know that, since I have been out of school, many advancements and changes have been made. But it seems all of the offices where I have worked at lately are unethical and all they care about is making money and not about the patients' true needs.

My main concern is that this 4941 root plane and scale code (RPS) is truly being overused and overcharged. I can't begin to tell you how many times a patient is sent to my chair with a diagnosis of RPS without being probed. I start probing and may get a few 4's and the patient is diagnosed as four quads of RPS at $200 a quad. Or bone loss is seen on the films and nine out of 10 times it is due to the fact that bone loss is due to grinding and/or clenching, or they have a history of perio disease that is now being maintained in a healthy state. Therefore, there is usually nothing to scale.

I won't do a procedure that I truly feel in my heart is not needed. For one, I can lose my license, and, second, I truly am an ethical, honest person. If I take this to the doctor, they say I am not complying and I must do what they say. This puts me in an uncomfortable position, and I usually end up getting fired over the new graduates who will comply.

I am not against RPS if it is truly needed. But I feel a lot of times the patient needs a gross debridement first and then a fine scale and polish — and they are usually fine. There is no need for anesthetic and to charge so much even when a slight bit of subcalculus (radiographic or not) is present. And what is wrong with just charging one quad of scaling instead of four quads, if there are eight teeth or less involved in the whole mouth?

I just feel that if a person is being charged $200 a quad, there better be some major sub calc and bone loss involved. You cannot RPS without roots. Also, I have been told if a patient has had RPS, they need to be on a perio maintenance code forever. I feel most RPS are misdiagnosed anyway. After all is said and done, they usually have a disease-free mouth and I put them back on a regular prophy 1110 and was told this cannot be done. Meanwhile, they are getting charged so much more for a perio prophy when I am doing nothing more than a 1110.

I currently work one day a week in an office that caters mainly to mentally challenged patients in group homes. If you want to talk RPS, all of them need it. They barely get a toothbrush in their mouth. But unfortunately, because of limited state funding, I must do the best job I can for these patients. Not all dentists and hygienists could deal with these patients on a daily basis, but I wish some of them could experience what I do to truly see what a true RPS is instead of trying to rip off normal patients each day.

As you can tell by now, I am truly fed up and disgusted with how dentistry is being done these days. Everything seems to be based on production, production, production. I know dentists are out to make a profit, but base it on the patients' true needs, not on the needs of your pocketbook.

I was brought up being told that honesty is the best policy and to live by the golden rule — to treat people the way you want to be treated. If more dentists followed this rule, I guess I would have a full-time dream job by now, but my hopes just get diminished.
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Great video! Information everyone needs to know


I knew all you told but I still want to hear that it should be possible with deep cleaning to get rid of the infection. I started my gum disease with too much brushing, and I liked lemon on my green salad with salt and that spoiled my enamail - now I try to regrow my gum and hopefull regrow bone - I do hope it is possible. When I was younger my teeth were very in Line but now they move too much and maybe I Will have to loose two teeth, but I really hope to save Them - 😃


Hi! I am a student in primary school and I want to become an orthodontic, but I have problems. You need to be very smart. High school is more challenging than in America i think. You have to be great — in europe that means you have to have mostly A's. I wonder if it's worth the time. And the cool part is the dental-orthodontist school is FREE. I will go into high school next year and I really wonder if its worth the time to study and than go to college. Love from Europe 🇪🇺


Hi Dr. I had deep cleaning . It helped, but my 2 front teeth the gums are still red . I have no more bleeding . Thanks


My dentist now has a machine that cleans your teeth with high pressure water pick. No more scraping. Is this considered a deep cleaning? Thank You, Henry D'Amato


I was diagnosed with Periodontal Disease and I haven’t spoken to a periodontist yet, only a general dentist. Should I be worried that I am being scammed?


Going tomorrow to do a deep cleaning!!


Why does insurance not cover deep cleaning?


At what age can I use whitening strips?


I’m getting a deep cleaning tomorrow. I didn’t grow up with the importance of cleaning my teeth on regular basis becoming an issue as I got older. After age 20 I stopped going to the dentist I’m 30 now. I had my wisdom teeth removed. Got 6 cavities done. And dentist told me I need a deep cleaning for sure. That was the comment they immediately brought up. I do have bad breath and nothing clears it. So I’m hoping this helps. My gums don’t bleed because even though I have built up plaque (not that noticiable to the naked eye) I been brushing and flossing all this time. It’s just the damage from all these years. I’m hoping this helps because the smell “source” feels with in the gums but like I was told regular brushing and mouthwashe won’t do an anything but the deep cleaning will.


But should it cost as much as a used car?


With no inspection, my wife was told by Gold Coast Dental in Brea, CA that recent pregnancy/child birth is a good reason to get deep cleaning. Is this true? We went ahead with it, paying upfront of $1, 000, because our insurance office has closed for the day, and never got any promised reimbursements because they said the insurance company actually insisted we pay additional $330 for their rate. So cash patients only pay $1, 000 and patients with my insurance has to pay $1, 330 out of pocket after the insurance paid the dental office $527? How is this right? Sounds like a big scam. I already reported this to the BBB and the dental board. Nothing much I can do.


Can deep cleaning keep you from having teeth removed if you suffer from tooth bone loss.?


I ve done a deep cleaning and I regret it so much. I m crying everyday since that day. The pain is awful, ánd my smile is full of holes. My gums are literally reduced by 80 %. I think I didnt need that cleaning ( i did a, 1 month before in France and everything was fine) and the mexican dentiste destroy my mouth to.put some " carillas" I didnt have the money for that horrible things


How come people are going to turkey to get a full implant on all there teeth which is much cheaper then the uk what do you do that’s different from every everyone else? Should all manufacturers reduce sugar in our foods to prevent tooth loss all decay and get rid of the sugar tax full stop and for those people that have change their mind switching from smoking to vaping help with their teeth and
gums just to improve their oral health as well as buying a electric toothbrush especially the oral b io8 that has an intensive clean function with longer brissals help with flossing etc


You all are still costing way too much, yea you maybe a professional and knowlegable, but these prices are insane !


you have the most beautiful white strong teeths I`ve ever seen, Are they natural teeths or do you wear dental veneers? 😊
