Skin Testing

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A skin test checks for immediate allergic reactions to a certain medication. The nurse administers a small amount (0.1 ml) of a suspect drug to your skin intradermally using a tuberculin syringe. A positive reaction to a test will cause a red, itchy, raised bump. A positive result suggests you may have a drug allergy.
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Intradermal injections are administered into the dermis, just below the epidermis. Intradermal injections are used for sensitivity tests, such as tuberculin and allergy tests, and local anesthesia. The advantage of the intradermal route for these tests is that the body’s reaction to substances is easily visible, and the degrees of reaction are discernible by comparative study. The dosage given intradermally is small, usually less than 0.5 mL. The angle of administration for an intradermal injection is 5 to 15 degrees.

After watching this video, I have learned how important it is to do the skin testing because this will serve as an indicator if the patient has allergy to that specific drug. It is important to know if there are allergic reaction to that medication so it can be avoided. And also this will help the health care provider on what medication is best to prescibed to the patient.


BSN 3-A5
Intradermal injection or skin test is used to discover or assess a variety of potential allergens and are frequently conducted using intradermal injection to assess antibody production and conduct skin allergy tests. The response of the skin is observed so if the skin shows redness and swell up then the client is allergic to a certain medication.

Moreover, after watching this video, this taught me of the proper way in administering this test and such as the right dose, proper handling of the needle and the right route. Allergy skin testing is essential for the correct diagnosis of any allergies to a certain drug.


Gino, Jenett Kathleen
Bsn3 A3
Intradermal injection provides a local and very little systemic effect. It is commonly used for tuberculin skin testing but can also be used for allergy testing and local anesthetics.

After watching this video it instills me insights about intradermal or skin testing injection.


BSN 3-A5

Intradermal injections (ID) are administered into the dermis. This injection is used for sensitivity tests, such as TB, allergy, and local anesthesia tests. This also enables us to visualize the body's reaction easily, so we can assess the degree of reaction.

After watching the video, I was able to learn the steps on how to administer ID. I've also learned the importance of intradermal injection which is to identify if our patient has any reaction to that certain medication.


Candol, Kissha T.
BSN 3-A3

The injection that occurred is an intradermal injection, according to the video I watched. Intradermal injection, also known as ID, is a type of injection that is given into the dermis just beneath the epidermis and is commonly used for allergy or tuberculosis testing.

According to the video, I understand that skin testing is typically used to assess a patient's allergies or tuberculosis and is administered through a shallow or superficial injection of a substance into the dermis.


Manigos, Faye P.
BSN 3-A8

Intradermal injection, often abbreviated ID, is a shallow or superficial injection of a substance into the dermis, which is located between the epidermis and the hypodermis. Intradermal injection provides a local and very little systemic effect. It is commonly used for tuberculin skin testing but can also be used for allergy testing and local anesthetics.

I find the video very instructive. I find this method of skin testing helpful in determining whether an individual is allergic to a specific allergen. By doing so, it may help nurses and the doctor make a plan to treat an allergy.


BSN 3 - A3

Intradermal injection provides a local and very little systemic effect. It is commonly used for tuberculin skin testing but can also be used for allergy testing and local anesthetics. To give an intradermal injection, a 25-gauge or smaller needle is inserted just under the epidermis at an angle of approximately 10°.
After watching this video, I was able to learn the proper procedure on how to administer ID. I also learn that skin testing is a very important procedure because it helps identify wether the patient is allergic to any specific medications.


BSN 3 - A8

Intradermal injections are administered into the dermis, just below the epidermis. The intradermal route has the longest absorption time of all parenteral routes. For this reason, intradermal injections are used for sensitivity tests, such as tuberculin and allergy tests, and local anesthe- sia. The advantage of the intradermal route for these tests is that the body’s reaction to substances is easily visible, and the degrees of reac- tion are discernible by comparative study.


BSN 3-A3

Based on the video that I watched about ID, it clearly explains how Intradermal testing is done and explained further what intradermal injection really is. As what I have learned from the video and research, Intradermal injections (ID) are injections administered into the dermis, just below the epidermis. The ID injection route has the longest absorption time of all parenteral routes. These types of injections are used for sensitivity tests, such as TB, allergy, and local anesthesia tests.

Intradermal injection provides a local and very little systemic effect. To give an intradermal injection, a 25-gauge or smaller needle is inserted just under the epidermis at an angle of approximately 10°.

Moreover, the instructional video emphasizes some rationales for every steps done. It is to ensure to avoid any unsafe injection practices. As we all kmow, unsafe injection practices by healthcare providers pose a risk for patients and healthcare workers especially infectious and non-infectious adverse events and often are associated with a variety of improper procedures and unsafe settings. Hence, proper procedure should be done at all times.


BSN 3 - A3

Injections given intradermally are administered to the dermis, which is the layer of skin underneath the epidermis. Intradermal injection has a mostly local and negligible systemic impact. Because there are fewer blood arteries and no muscle tissue, it has the longest absorption period of all parenteral routes. After watching the video I understand that these injection kinds are employed for sensitivity testing. It might be administered in order to diagnose something, like a tuberculosis or allergy test.


BSN 3 - A5

A material is injected superficially or shallowly into the dermis, which is situated between the epidermis and the hypodermis, during an intradermal injection, also known as ID. In comparison to injections into the muscle or subcutaneous tissue, this method of delivery is not as common.

Intradermal Injection may be given for daignostic purpose, such as allergy or tuberculosis testing. Since it has the longest absorption time of all parenteral route because there are fewer blood vessels and no muscle tissue. This type of injection is used for sensitivity testing because the patient’s reaction is easy to visualize and the degree of reaction can be assessed.


BSN 3-A5

Intra-dermal allergy testing is another method of skin testing to help determine whether an individual is allergic to a specific allergen. It is commonly used for tuberculin skin testing but can also be used for allergy testing and local anesthetics. Skin testing is done by administering the substance to or through the skin. It is administered into the dermis just below the epidermis.

Furthermore, the 1cc syringe is injected in 5 to 15 degree angle. In injecting the syringe we don’t need to insert the whole needle. The needle should be bevel up, one-fourth of needle is enough to insert the substance towards the skin. Stabilizing the needle before injecting the substance is also a substantial part in doing the intra-dermal injection. Subsequently, after the needle is being removed mark a small circle right around the small scar and indicate the name of the substance and the time that the doctor should see and check where you injected the substance.

After watching this video demonstration there are so much enlightenment I gathered one of which is, when injecting something to patients the clean technique should be done to prevent patient from getting infected because our vital goal is the patient’s safety. Also, the importance of getting the patient’s name, medication’s name, dosage, route, site, time and date of administration and expiration date of the medication should be checked to ensure that the patient receive the correct the medication. In addition we should be prepared for the reactions to give whenever the patient’s having positive test reaction in the time period of 5-10 minutes after administering the medication.


BSN 3-A5

ID injections typically are used for skin testing. These determine antigen–antibody reactions. Antigens are injected into the superficial layer of the skin to evaluate immune response. They are injected into the dermis, where blood supply is reduced and medication absorption occurs slowly. Some have a reaction if medications enter the circulation too rapidly.

After watching the video demonstration, skin testing is very important to know allergies and know what medication should be given. Hence, we should equipped ourselves for proper administration to avoid error.


BSN 3-A8

Of all parenteral methods, the ID injection route has the longest absorption period. Sensitivity tests, including those for TB, allergies, and local anesthesia, are conducted with these kinds of injections. Injections given directly beneath the epidermis, into the dermis, are known as intradermal injections (ID).

As I’ve watched the video, I was wondering if there is more/another use for Intradermal injections aside from the important ones mentioned where the ID is for. I can say that Intradermal injection is accurate when it comes to testing patient’s skin for allergy. By using Intradermal injection, it is easy to determine whether what to do when we find out the patient is having this allergic reaction.


BSN 3-A5

Intradermal injection is commonly used for tuberculin skin testing and also used for allergy testing and local anesthetics. The dermis and epidermis of human skin are rich in antigen-presenting cells, suggesting that delivery of vaccines to these layers, rather than to make pcmuscle or subcutaneous tissue, should be more efficient and induce protective immune responses with smaller amounts of vaccine antigen. After watching the video, I have learned that it is important to use the proper technique and select the correct site when providing an injection. Also, always observe proper hand hygiene and aseptic techniques when assessing patients.



Intradermal Injection (ID) is administered into the dermis, underneath the upper skin layer. This method of medication administration is commonly used for allergy testing and tuberculosis screening. The test involves placing a small amount of allergen into the skin, and the nurse then watches for reaction at the site.

After watching the video, I learned that skin testing is one of the most crucial procedure in any clinical setting since it can determine whether a patient is allergic to a particular medication. This information may help to prevent further complications.


BSN 3-A8

Intradermal injections are administered into the dermis, just below the epidermis. Intradermal injections are used for sensitivity tests, such as tuberculin and allergy tests, and local anesthesia. The advantage of the intradermal route for these tests is that the body’s reaction to substances is easily visible, and the degrees of reaction are discernible by comparative study. The dosage given intradermally is small, usually less than 0.5 mL. The angle of administration for an intradermal injection is 5 to 15 degrees

After watching this video, I have learned how important it is to do the skin testing because this will serve as an indicator if the patient has allergy to that specific drug. It is important to know if there are allergic reaction to that medication so it can be avoided. And also this will help the health care provider on what medication is best to prescibed to the patient.


BSN 3-A5

Skin testing involves proper angling of needle as it is crucial for the medication to be at the right layer of the skin and maintenance of aseptic environment. It is used mostly to assess whether a patient has allergic reactions to certain prescribed medications. Thus, it is important to closely monitor and observe the patient throughout the whole period and procedure as well as to jot down the necessary data on the monitoring sheet and chart.


BSN 3- A5

Intradermal injection may be given for diagnostic purposes, such as allergy or tuberculosis testing. Skin testing comprises of a range of methos for medical diagnosis of allergies that attempts to provoke a small, controlled, allergic response. Skin tests may be done to diagnose rashes, moles skin allergies, and other diseases. Skin tests are also done to differentiate between caner (malignant) cells and noncancer (benign) cells. Medication injected into the dermis is absorbed slowly because of this skin layer's limited blood supply.

After watching the video, I felt so excited and at the same time nervous about being the one to perform the return demonstration. I have learned that we should always observe proper hygiene. We should also learn the importance of conducting a skin test so that we could identify whether or not we have allergies to certain medications. It is important for nurses to know how to perform skin testing. So that we would be equipped nurses in the near future.


BSN 3-A2

skin test helps determine allergic or immune response to that substance performed by administering to the skin.The reason for skin test is to prevent the potential severity of allergic reaction. it also heps find out whether something that you touch, breath or eat is causing you symptoms.

It can be done by injecting a small amount of allergen solution or medication into the skin usually on the arms or back. And observe the patient after 30 mins if there are any redness, swelling, pain or any abnormalities in the skin. It is used for detecting allergic hypersensitivity.
