The English Housing Crisis and the Implications for Planning and Urban Design
Residents of Oxfordshire District Council should inform the Council all Council Taxes will be withheld until there's a public Inquiry and Referendum held on this ridiculous scheme.
£6.5 million to throw thousands of motorists off the road...who voted for that...??!
They must fight this it's time to stand up to the corrupt council bullies.
Control no other word for it . But elite will be exempt
Oxfordshire is in deep shit... People in this city must protest for this bs policy.
Insidious and chilling. This cannot be allowed to happen. Wtf is happening to this country.
"In the future the people's Freedom of Movement will be confiscated via environmental taxation" Kissinger
"Your papers (said in gastapo Britain 2024
110, 000 wef nudgers deployed
Who is running or on your councils.
Challenge your jailers.
This needs to be stopped by any means possible
The Parasitical Politicians are only following instructions from Higher up .
There's going to be a lot of spilt blood in the near future I think
“Facebook stopping posts going up”. That’s a solid verification of the truth…..😢
I think it's more on freedom of movement rather than cars to be honest. This sort of stuff will be slowly moved in, bit by bit & it won't stop there, next it will be on what you do, say, think etc.
Oxford was already a crap place to live, now it will be even worse.
MASS NON COMPLIANCE is the only way to beat this.
What is happening in this country is a travesty. My local council cut everything to the bone, closing 3 libraries, an unemployed resource centre, they cut the free school meals scheme, and closed 2 adult education centres, all this because they said budget cuts are needed and the council was in a ‘dire financial state’ In the same period they spent £124, 000 on pieces of art for the council offices, and strangely 2 of the paintings were done by the artist wife of a leading councillor, at a charge of £48, 000. Yet they carry on as normal and laugh at the rest of whilst thinking up schemes to fine, punish and lock us down. I for one think the public need to buy rope and make full use of their community lampposts around council offices.
Councils should have their powers severely curbed. They are not professionals they are simply elected to help public admin not to rule by law or force. What a disgraceful way to treat their voters, they should be banned from public service for life.
This fascist ideology needs to stop, this is absolutely ludicrous!
Local councils have zero authority to restrict our movement. Every citizen in Oxford MUST refuse to accept this!