The Simple Trick To Learn Scales Faster (Music Theory)

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Learn how major and minor scales work and how they relate to each other. We'll talk about steps and half steps that make up scales. You'll also find out how we change a major scale to a minor one and learn about modes, which are really just inversions of the Major scale.

#rickysguitar #scales #musictheory

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I get asked all the time...which beginner guitars do I recommend?

Electric Guitars:
Yamaha Pacifica - “Student guitar”The most versatile electric guitar for the beginner and beyond. they do rock, blues, jazz and metal and anything else you can think of! I LOVE them!

Jet Guitars.Fairly new to me, but they play brilliantly. A silly amount of guitar for such a low price tag!
Links coming soon!

Acoustic Guitars:
Cort AF510 - Budget beginner guitar
These have a folk sized body, which is a smaller sized body better for lady chests, and cake bellies. I've sold lots of these guitars to students and they're impressively well put together. I always have a bunch in when I teach my live guitar classes at my music school.

Sigma Guitars - next level

Guitar Practice Amp: Yamaha THR10ii
It has all the sounds! It’s great for using as an interface for recording in your favourite DAW.Link coming soon

Band amp

These Are The Picks I Use And Recommend.
Dunlop Nylon Jazz III XL - Black Pack of 6:

Dunlop Nylon Jazz III XL - Red - Pack of 6:

Dunlop 0.88mm Tortex Jazz III Guitar Picks - White Pack of 12:

Dunlop 0.73mm Tortex Standard Player Pack - Yellow Pack of 12:

Dunlop Nylon Guitar Picks, 0.38 mm - Pack of 12:

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Ricky, these lessons are simply phenomenal. “Modes are just an inversion of the major scale” = “Oh”




Eyup Ricky, many thanks. This is a good and understandable explanation. Together with your 'Key Signatures' video, things are slowly coming together.


It was hard for me to see why the 7th is flattened in the relative minor scale. But after counting all the intervals (using both hands and squinting with both eyes), it finally penetrated my thick skull.
(I love the video editing you have done here BTW. Very polished and professional looking video!)


Thanks Ricky! I appreciate your time and effort to create these. One question, in the beginning of the video you state that you “derive the major key from the minor”, isn’t it the reverse? It is my understanding that major is the “most important” so every key/mode is derived from major, no?


I started out thinking I was following along just fine, and the next thing I knew, I was as lost as last year’s Easter egg. I am a visual learner; HOWEVER, with this type of instruction, I feel it MIGHT be easier to comprehend if it were paired with video/audio footage of what is being taught. As someone who is trying to learn guitar later in life, this stuff seems very overwhelming.


In the Lydian mode, shouldn't the B (4th) be flat instead of sharp? You never taught us the secret of the B#; Only the BaconCrisp and EggsFried ditties that worked for me.
A C flat and F flat in Aolian (G flat is Ok)? A C# and F# would give the FFhFFFh pattern we want.
The Bb (Minor) would then be a full step to the C so that we have the Major form of FFhFFFh we are supposed to have ?
Please let me know where I am wrong in my statements???

I also love the format editing that was done on this lesson. And IF what I said above makes any sense then I understood some of the lessons I've listened to :)


I'd need to watch this 3 or 4 times more lol


Ricky is doing his best to teach me, but I drop when he dropped F. Between E and F notes is half step. If you drop F, it comes E. Yep, I fall..


How bout to playin every melody in any song? How should we do to begin boss?


I do not understand why in the minor scale you are adding a Flat on the 3rd, 6th, 7th (B minor)


Bb/Gmin has 2 flats, Bb and Eb... there is no flat 7th
