Vedanta Manthan - Kathopanishad (Talk 99: The Oneness of Sakshi & Ishwar)

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Vedanta Manthan Series on Kathopanishad
(Video excerpts of Swami Abhedananda)

Talk 99 :  The Oneness of Sakshi & Ishwar

Swami Abhedanandaji reinforces that one can know the Atma only by a mind purified through Shravanam, Mananam and Nidhidhyasam, and which can subjectify the thought of ‘Brahman’ in Meditation.

In the 12th Verse, a Mahavakya Mantra, Swamiji reveals that inside the physical heart is the headquarters of the mind. In that headquarters of the mind, there is a ‘Sakshi’ (witness consciousness), which is, as though, of the size of a thumb. Expounding on the subtler philosophy behind this verse, Swamiji systematically answers relevant questions like, what is the difference between mind and heart and brain and intelligence and deftly unfolds the essence of the oneness of Sakshi (which represents Jivatma) and Ishwar, the Lord of the Creation.

Crux of the verse: One who knows that I am the ‘limitless Ishwar’ will never feel insecure!

#SwamiAbhedananda #ChinmayaMissionSouthAfrica #ChinmayaMission #Upanishad #Vedanta #VedantaManthan #Satsang #Kathopanishad #SwamiChinmayananda #TimelessKnowledge #Nachiketa #Yamraj #Wisdom #Hinduism #Humanity #Katha #Bliss #Prayers #Motivation #Hindu #Hinduism #PertinentQuestions #LogicalAnswers #ProfoundClarity

#Oneness #Sakshi #Ishwar #Atma #Shravanam #Mananam #Nidhidhyasam #Meditation #HeadquartersOfMind #Witness Consciousness
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