Lauren Daigle - You Say / Sonata Pathétique (Piano/Cello) ThePianoGuys

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Story behind the song:

Pathetic. That was what Beethoven’s publisher called the Sonata No. 8. The title stuck: “Sonata Pathétique.”

So was Beethoven’s publisher totally trolling him?

Pathetic and Pathétique.

This is, perhaps, the same distinction Lauren Daigle (who we LOVE) sings about in her masterful tune, “You Say.”

The world may say you’re pathetic, pitiful and worthless. Or worse, you may even say this about yourself.

But there is another voice that says you’re Pathétique -- deeply meaningful and worth every feeling.

Whose voice is that? It could be a mentor, a trusted friend, a family member. It could be the RIGHT voice in your head that doesn’t get enough air time. It could be a God that loves you with deep meaning and feeling -- with an endless and infinite love that is powerful and never pathetic -- an encircling love that doesn’t pull away, but holds you even closer when you fall short.

Here’s what Lauren had to SAY:

“When I wrote You Say...I felt like so many things were pulling me in so many different directions. I think a lot of times we build these complexes based on insecurity, based on fear, based on rejection, and lies that we have to constantly overcome. And so this song for me was just a reminder of identity. It was a reminder that I know when I’m weak, He’s strong—so how do I change that and bring that into my everyday life? When I feel inadequate how is it that there’s always these moments where I feel like God just steps in and supersedes my inadequacies. This entire song was so every single day I would get up on stage and remind myself—no, this is the truth, this is the truth, this is the truth. Don’t get buried in confusion. Don’t get buried in waywardness. Just remember to steady the course, steady the course.”

Now here’s what Beethoven had to SAY:

“O, you men who think or say that I am malevolent, stubborn or misanthropic, how greatly do you wrong me. You do not know the secret cause which makes me seem that way to you, and I would have ended my life - it was only my art that held me back. Ah, it seemed impossible to leave the world until I had brought forth all that I felt was within me.”

We think these songs were meant to be together. And perhaps there’s something to this, because only after we paired them, we discovered that Beethoven was 27 years old when he composed the Pathétique. Guess how old Ms. Daigle was when she wrote “You Say?”

You guessed it. 27.

As you listen to this, we hope it helps you silence the “pathetic” naysayer in you and embrace the “Pathétique” yeasayer that has always been with you. The one that wants you to stay. To get back up. To keep striving. To keep creating. To NOT leave this world until you have brought forth your art. ALL that is within you.

We’re so grateful you’re here watching this video. The journey to bring it to you has been intense -- with extreme highs and lows. MANY times we felt like giving up. Just quitting. Bet you've felt the same thing in your own struggles. When we do, we strive to remember WHY we do what we do. We fall back on our core beliefs and values.


You Say written by Lauren Daigle, Paul Mabury and Jason Ingram
Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13, commonly known as Sonata Pathétique, written by Ludwig Van Beethoven
The Piano Guys Arrangement of both tunes together written by Al van der Beek & Steven Sharp Nelson
Recorded, Mixed and mastered by Al van der Beek at TPG Studios in Utah
Performed by
Jon Schmidt: Piano
Al van der Beek: Vocal textures, percussion
Steven Sharp Nelson: Acoustic & electric cellos, piano

Filmed and edited by Paul Anderson & Shaye Scott
Special effects by Shaye Scott
Produced by Paul Anderson, Shaye Scott
Photographer: Scott Jarvie

Who are The Piano Guys?
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OK. Vulnerable time. I had a very emotional experience atop the half-built building you see near the end. It was so beautiful to play cello there. As we were playing this song over and over again while we filmed, I thought about its meaning. I thought about where I was in my life emotionally. I expect a lot from myself. I always have. Often I expect too much. I admit it. And when I don’t reach the zenith of those expectations I can be pretty hard on myself. If ever there was incarceration for self-abuse perpetrators, I’d be prisoner of the month. As I was thinking about how much I still need to build in my life, a very strong impression came to me. Has that ever happened to you? When you feel an impulse that prompts thoughts that don’t feel like “normal thoughts.” They feel weightier, with more perspective or profundity than the average passing notion -- the same way a good bridge elevates a song by throwing you from a repetitive verse and chorus regimen. These are thoughts that teach you rather than learn from you.

I had such a moment. They don’t come that often, but when they do I try my best to listen and learn. The impressions persuaded me to look at my life from the top of a half-built building. Figuratively and literally. I began to think that maybe I spend too much of my life in the bottom floors of my life’s construction project -- that I fuss over the mess of my jobsite, I fret over the lack of finishes -- the ugly marred subflooring or the exposed metal framing. I berate myself for being way behind in the building process. I was taught that I needed to ascend more often to the top floor. Where there’s a view of how far I’ve come, how high part of my building has reached. And most importantly, where there’s an incredible view of the sunset, reminding me that tomorrow is another day and that I should keep building one day at a time. I totally embarrassed myself as I shed tears, trying to describe these “elevated thoughts” to the site’s supervisor after we had finished filming and I was thanking him for the opportunity they had given us to give visual meaning to the music.

So I guess for me, and perhaps for anyone listening, that could be a takeaway. You don’t have to live your life on floor one. Or floor two or three. Or on any floor that isn’t yet completed. It will get there one day. And so will you. Don’t worry that the building next door is at floor 10. Just take a trip to your top however often you need and watch the sun set on all that you’ve strived to accomplish. Remember that there is Someone who built that sunset for you. And He doesn’t care how high your building is, just that you’re willing to keep building. And He says you’re plenty high enough for Him to see.


Jon, after hearing this beautiful melody I felt I had to share my testimony with you.
On April 24, 2004 my 8 year old daughter was murdered by my neighbor just 9 days from her 9th birthday. Then on August 27th 2013 my youngest daughter took her life just 4 days before her 17th birthday. Having lost both of my only children I had no will to live. On Friday October 25th 2013 I made the choice to end my life, but God had other plans for me. My wife got me out of the house and took me to speak with a therapist and after that she took me to see an ex girlfriend who was a manager at a local restaurant. She was going to give me a job so there would be someone to keep an eye on me so I wouldn't hurt myself. After all the running around, by the time we got home it was late in the evening and I wasn't feeling any better. I was sitting on my front porch unshowered and still wearing the same clothes I had been wearing for 6 days. I was at my lowest and had nothing left. My wife was sitting next to me trying to talk to me when I heard a voice that said I needed to go to church. On Sunday October 27th I went to a church near my home. Nobody there knew me or anything about what was going on in my life. That Sunday the head pastor wasn't doing the sermon, but instead was being given by the assistant pastor. As he began to give the sermon the head pastor got out of his seat and walked up to the podium. He said " I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just received a message and I was told to give it to someone who came to my church today." He said "I don't know who you are but God wanted me to give you this message." "He said that he knows that you're dealing with a great deal of hurt, pain, suffering, and a major loss in your life and he wants you to know that he's going to give everything that Satan has taken from you and he's going to give it back 10 fold." At that moment I felt a total peaceful presence come over me. All thoughts killing myself and sadness left my mind. God saved my life that day and restored my faith. 🙏🙏🙏


One of the many things I love about the piano guys is that they show so much musicality and put so much feeling into the music they create. Being a violinist makeing someone feel something from music can sometimes be more challenging than having perfect technique. I'm so glad that I've been able to listen to your music for the past decade


my goal in life is to be as happy as Steven looks while he plays.


"Taking all I have and now I'm laying it at your feet
You have every failure God, You have every victory"

I needed this. Thank you!


Oh my I’m in tears two of my favorite songs put together ! I have had a rough week and this just makes everything better I was fortunate to see you guys two days after I found out I had cancer. And here I am 2.5 years later still cancer free !


There is a reason they upload not as frequently as others. The production value of the Piano Guys' videos is insane! They inspired me to open my own Piano Channel!


The best part of watching a Piano Guys video is seeing how happy the guys look when they're playing their instruments. Happy 10 year!


this is so cool coming back to this video about 2 years after it was filmed. I was a part of the crew that helped them bring the piano out to those red rocks (snow canyon/kayenta). it was truly such a fun and cool experience. the piano guys are so so kind and humble and extremely funny! just one of those experiences where i was in the right place at the right time. ❤️❤️


I just wanted to say that when I feel lost or separated from God, music always brings me back to Him.

Thank you, PianoGuys for giving me some of the best music to keep me grounded... especially in this year.


you've put together both mine and my grandmother's favourite pieces of music. We're both piano players and when she had dementia, I used to play her old pieces to her. Her eyes lit up every time as for a moment, she was back with us. If she were alive now, I would say to her 'You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
, you say I am strong when I think I am weak, And You say I am held when I am falling short And when I don't belong, oh, You say I am Yours And I believe, oh, I believe, What You say of me,

I believe'. Just like she said to me by her words and deeds. Thank you Piano Guys for recreating such a special memory.


Steve's leading melody in the cello is so comforting and Jon's backing is all that's needed to fill it. Also his Pathetiqué arrangement is so mind-blowing. Loved this throughout ❤️


When I can’t seem to see my own value, you tell me I am worth it.

When I see only failures, you remind me of my successes

When I cant seem to take another step, you remind me to breathe

When I feel all alone, you simply remind me you’re there.


I know 2020 has been rough for a lot of people, and I'm not trying to compare my own struggles to anyone else's - just want to share my pain (my coping mechanism) and thank @ThePianoGuys for putting this out there. I lost my oldest son to suicide (in June) and last night, my beagle-basset peacefully passed away (raised him from 12 weeks to 9.5 years old). I needed to hear this song - and I sang every word of it as you played it. I just feel like I'm done -- and this is just a simply beautiful reminder that I needed to hear - I'm tired, I'm grieved, but I'm not done.


Steven Nelson was our graduate school classmate many years ago. I still clearly remember the day when he showed their new-born baby's picture to me. I admire his love and loyalty toward God, his family and music! Their music only gets more mature, never get old.


Watching with tears in my eyes from the beauty and elegance of this video. The sheer joy of creating music is so evident in Steve's face.


Hopefully, once this pandemic is fully behind us, you guys can resume the Wonders of the World numbers. May be a while for the Taj Mahal though.


Absolutely beautiful, touches the senses..Thank you ❤️ "When I can't go to sleep, You say I'm still here, there's no need to weep". ( True...In my husband's journey with cancer and I felt overcome, the Lord provided healing and comfort...And my husband recovered! )💕


오랫동안 기다렸어요 제 롤모델입니다....🙏
언젠가 많은 사람들이 제가 사랑하는 음악을 함께 듣고 행복할 수 있는 날이 오기를 기도해봅니다..
오늘도 피아노가이즈의 음악은 한 폭의 영화 같이 아름답네요.


This rendition is beautiful. As a university music student, I love Beethoven. But, I also love Lauren Daigle and CCM. This is something I'm not sure I could share with anyone and have them fully enjoy it as I'm not sure a whole lot of my friends would listen to both of these genres. It's special, because in a weird way, I feel like it was made just for me. The God that's out there works in mysterious ways. Some may not feel this way, but I respectfully believe that a medley like this shows pictures that are pursuing us to keep living life to the fullest.
