10 Ways to Track Your Marketing Campaigns (with Marketing Analytics)

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Need stronger results from your marketing campaigns? Identify 10 ways to track your digital marketing campaigns including tracking marketing campaigns with marketing analytics.

0:00 Measure what's working so you can repeat successes
0:40 (1) Set a SMART goal (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound)
0:48 (2) Identify target ideal client profile (ICP) and buyer persona(s)
1:12 (3) Determine if account-based marketing (ABM) should be used
1:21 (4) Define the buyer's journey
1:30 (5) Determine which leads to pass to sales vs. nurture
1:36 (6) Align sales and marketing with a service level agreement (SLA)
1:44 (7) Audit content and offers to identify gaps
1:52 (8) Create content and offers for each persona and journey stage
2:14 (9) Accelerate sales cycles with conversion paths and automation
2:20 (10) Build reports and dashboards to track metrics

#MarketingCampaigns #DigitalMarketing #CampaignTracking #MarketingAnalytics #sphomerun
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