Update from Ukraine | Confirmed! Ruzzia Lost jets but there is a Rat in Ukrainian Army. Peace summit

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My friend from Kharkiv only spoke Russian. She didn’t know Ukrainian. However, since 2022, she only speaks Ukrainian. She refuses to speak Russian. Russia’s war has solidified many Ukrainians around their language and culture.


NATO isnt unfriendly to russia, it's a defensive organization. Just dont invade a NATO aligned country and there wont be any problems but russia doesnt like not being able to invade their neighbors whenever they feel suitable, that angers the tiny dictator.


Russia cannot dictate to Ukraine, or any other Country, that they cannot come under NATO or join the EU. Russia had no control over any Country that they share a border with.


Big ups to the Swiss guy. He put his life on the line in Ukraine fighting for their freedom. Now he’s back in Switzerland putting his freedom on the line for fighting for Ukrainians freedom. He is a true freedom fighter! ❤


What ukraine spoke about years ago in regards to Crimea means absolutely nothing today. Russia promised to defend ukraines sovereignty, and they don't do that, words and signatures mean nothing. Let Putler piss and cry about it.


NATO can enforce a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Meanwhile, military weapon and defense support for Ukrainne can continue. This may allow time for Ukrainian infrastructure to be rebuilt enough to build more of their own military capability.


90 countries sent delegates to work out Peace in Ukraine 🇺🇦! The world supports Ukraine long term .


Watching this in Finland, just to note that for Ukrainian kids to have a chance studying in European universities is 👍 for the EU. Slava Ukraini 🇫🇮🇺🇦


Almost all Ukrainians are fluent in Russian. This is a legacy of the USSR. The Kremlin continues the USSR policy of systematically attempting to erase Ukrainian language and culture (as it did/does with other ethnicities). Some Ukrainians have a preference for Ukrainian (increasingly so) and some also use a hybrid socio-dialect known a Surzhyk, which is a blend of Russian and Ukrainian. The choice of language does not denote political or cultural affinity. If it did, we could assume that the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of Eire all wished to return to the rule of London. Slava Ukraine!


Thank you my friend Mr Dennys for this update from this report and many thanks to our great Ukrainean commanders and the intelligence department, how ever like you rightly said it is possible that we may have a rat in the Ukrainean army, at any rate I salute the Ukrainean commanders for all their efforts to get rid of the enemy fighter jets. Many bravo to our great Ukrainean commanders and heroes for their determination and great efforts in the execution of this war. Congratulations to the Ukrainean President for the peace conference. I believe that all these efforts will force Russia to leave Ukraine. Many thanks for all the countries that have honored the peace talk invitation. I stand with Ukraine Slava Ukraini greetings from eastern Nigeria


Your real and honest information about this cruel war is so valuable. I hope you will continue this work for us.


It is reassuring to see so many people at the peace summit regardless of whether it achieves anything. It means that the world is not totally distracted by the Israel/Gaza conflict. In fact support seems to be ramping up. 👍🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Lets Ukraine is making it happen. I know they will succeed. Great job. Thanks for the update.


It's ironic for Switzerland to arrest one of their citizens who fought for Ukraine because Swiss soldiers protected various European royal courts starting in 1480, and still protect the Pope in Vatican City.


Hi Denys, the EU and Nato are the two future foundations of Ukrainian prosperity. A very bright star awaits Ukraine as a brother to the west, EU and Nato!!!! Ukraine is growing in many ways and we the West should guide Ukraine in a good democratic way. Slava Ukraine


1:07 You are Awesome Denys, I look at your videos Every day. Just want to pay attention at the before and after pictures, it is 10 days between the pictures, June 4 then June 14 so plenty of time to move all the jets so in this case it doest mean that it is a rat just because the jets didnt is on the same place that they were 10 days before. Keep up the good work. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Thank you Denys so good to receive your daily updates. Praying for Ukraine, So brave and courageous, praying for continued provision, wisdom protection and strength. God bless you Ukraine


There isn’t necessarily a traitor in Ukraine giving away info on the Russian airbase attack. It is possible that the drones were detected and the airplanes scrambled.


Stay strong and never give up


Don't insult the rats they are are caring and very social animals.
