Provo City Council Work Meeting | June 4, 2024

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Work Meeting
12:30 PM, Tuesday, June 04, 2024
Provo Peak Room (1st Floor)

To listen to the meeting by phone: June 04 Work Meeting: Dial 346-248-7799. Enter Meeting ID 825 0243 1738 and press #. When asked for a participant ID, press #.

Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
March 5, 2024 Council Meeting
March 19, 2024 Council Meeting
April 16, 2024 Council Meeting

0:04:04 1. A discussion regarding a resolution authorizing BYU Police to apply to Public Interest Use certain bicycles qualifying as lost or mislaid property or property no longer needed for evidence (24-053)
2:25:45 2. A discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Zone Map classification of property at 2662 W Lakeview Pkwy from Open Space, Preservation, and Recreation (OSPR) Zone to Community Shopping Center (SC2) Zone; Provo Bay Neighborhood (PLRZ20240059)
2:49:29 3. An ordinance amending the Zone Map classification of property, located at 1098 N Geneva Rd, from the Agricultural (A1.5) Zone to the One-Family Residential with Transferable Development Rights Receiving Overlay (R1.6 - TDR-R) Zone (PLRZ20230227)
3:15:04 4. An ordinance amending the Zone Map classification of certain properties in the Oak Hills, Indian Hills, and Sherwood Hills neighborhoods, to add the Transfer of Development Rights-Sending (TDR-S) Overlay Zone (PLRZ20240127)
3:27:39 5. A discussion regarding an ordinance adjusting the common boundary between Provo and Orem along 2000 South in Orem (24-019)
3:28:44 6. A discussion regarding an ordinance adjusting the common boundary between Provo and Orem to accommodate a new residential development near the intersection of University Avenue in Provo and 800 North in Orem (24-019)
3:28:58 7. A discussion regarding an ordinance concurring with Utah County on the Common Boundary between Provo and Orem near the intersection of 1030 East in Orem and 2250 North in Provo (24-019)
2:06:40 8. A discussion regarding a resolution approving the Year Five Annual Action Plan related to Utah Valley HOME Consortium and CDBG funding (24-046)
0:08:27 9. A review of FY24 Year-End Appropriation Requests (24-006)
0:23:51 10. A presentation on the proposed ordinance adopting a budget for Provo City Corporation for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 in the amount of $292,856,761 (24-007)
0:32:22 11. A discussion on picking up required URS member contributions on behalf of Tier II public safety officers and firefighters (24-054)
0:38:32 12. A presentation of the FY25 tentative budget and council priorities (24-007)
1:29:25 13. A follow-up presentation regarding the FY2025 Budget: Library (24-007)
0:53:31 14. A discussion regarding the FY25 General Fund (24-007)
1:02:30 15. A presentation regarding FY25 supplemental budget requests (24-007)

Closed Meeting
The Municipal Council or the Governing Board of the Redevelopment Agency will consider a motion to close the meeting for the purposes of holding a strategy session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation, and/or to discuss the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property, and/or the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual in conformance with 52-4-204 and 52-4-205 et. seq., Utah Code.


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