5:04 Blue and Edward were combined by Leo with Oliver’s ‘SemiColon’ Gem, Offscreen…
The Greek alphabet that got captured—> ΙΦ
The Symbols that got captured—> .;:,
The ones that died—>ΔΛΘΕΒ
The ones that got killed by accident —>Δ
Who defeated Λ —> Ο
The bullies —> πξ
Who got bullied —> ο
The ending —> Ω
What symbol shows the past? —> ?
Who restarted time —> Ω
Happy ending —> ω
The end þe end
0:34 it looks like the English word BAN
ΏΘΗΣΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΝΆΠΤΥΞΗ ΤΗΣ ΧΏΡΑΣ ΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΟΠΟΊΟ 1:55 1:55 1:55 1:55 1:57 1:57 1:57 1:57 1:57 1:58 1:58 1:58 1:58
A: same
Β: same but Russian v with a different color
Γ: own role
Δ: own role but died in Y
Ε: C’s Role
Z: G’s role
H: Same role
Θ:J’s role
I: same role
K: same role
Λ: F’s role
M: Q’s role
N: M’s role
Ξ: O’s role
O: N’s role
Π: L’s role
P(Rho): P’s role
Σ: own role
T: Same role
Y: U’s role
Φ: R’s role (looks like V’s role)
X: same role
Ψ: own role
Ω: Z’s role
Հայաստան է ժամանել 😂և սահմանվել է տարեկան կտրվածքով կրճատվել
2:54 lambda jumps over O lol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Porque você não faz o Season 2 do alphabets lores?
Do you think you can make a Greek alphabet lore reloaded set or is your Greek alphabet lore okay?
I thought Rho died, & i thought Fi. Wound't Get kidnapped
Etsuolg this is a great project and great project with great
Request for your 2026 lore sets: A new alphabet called Nedashia:
A: D’s role
Å: A’s role
à B’s role
Æ: Same as Portuguese C
Â: C’s role
Ä: Same as Polish au
B: E’s role
C: Same as old Polish E
Ç: Same as Albanian
Č: Same as polish Ć but gets kidnapped
Ć: Albanian SH’s role
D: Same as RALR D but not a villain and is light grey
E: Same as Spanish
Ė: Same as Lithuanian
Ê: Polish Ś’s role
È: Same as Icelandic
F: Same as Polish
G: Same as Polish
H: Same as Dutch IJ
I: The same
Į: Same as Lithuanian
Ï: Same as Croatian J
J: The same
K: Plays the same role as J but is a different color
L: Same as Filipino
Ł: L’s role
M: A female snake equivalent of N
N: M’s role
Ñ: O’s role
Ń: Latvian O’s role
O: Albetimwof N’s role
Õ: Same as Icelandic Ò\P’s role
Œ: Q’s role but is a deer
P: Same as Polish
R: Looks like N, But has S’s role:
S: F’s role Cause she tries to spell SDÆIÏMRVČWŻT Which Means Friends In This language ( Also a Snake )
Š: Same as Old Polish S
T: Same as Danish
U: Same as Polish
Ū: Same as Latvian U but does not get kidnapped, and is equivalent of W
V: Same as Icelandic
W: The same but get’s Yeeted into S’s cave and locked up in chains
X: The same
Y: The same as German Ö
Ÿ: Same as Albanian T
Z: Icelandic Æ’s role
Ž: Y’s role
Ź: Same as Polish
Ż: Chomped and spat back out.
‘: Same as Guarani
lambda is the villain,
mi is the equilvalent of q
:Xander: Hello! This Is I; Xander, And I’m Going To Be Grounded Seriously! So Stay Tuned 2:19
should I download powerpoint and do season 2?
Request: Cadenian Alphabet Lore.
A = D
B = Same
E-F, spells “afecinops”
F-Aircats Spanish G
J-Same as wario100’s French J but doesn’t get kidnapped
L-W, spells “lerfinca”, nightmare happens in W
N-L, gets kidnapped
O-Same, gets kidnapped
Q-Wario100’s Finnish Q
T-U, is needed to spell “tælirœb”
V-Wario100’s German Y
W-Cadexian Thee
X-Same but doesn’t die
Z-Goofy guy
Æ-A crab
Œ-air cats German ö
Ê-Harry’s Ц
There’s no q equivalent because E cries the ? Gem once defeated