June Wrap-Up & July TBR

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Another month has come and gone, but with it a new wrap-up!

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Wow! Congrats on reading so many books! Steven Erikson's Gardens of the Moon sounds super interesting. I love books where men and women have the same role and are treated equally, and I don't think there's nearly enough of that in Fantasy!
My favorite book this month was Eldest by Christopher Paolini and I can't wait to continue on with Brisingr!
I hope that Ship of Destiny lives up to the rest of the trilogy!
Happy reading!


I'm always tempted to pick up a Robin Hobb book after watching your wrap ups. I am torn because they seem like quite the time commitment. You had a pretty great reading month!


I was also watching Jonathan strange & Mr norrell but I just stop because I want to read the book first... now I have to wait for the book to arrive. Nice tbr ;)


We're having a terrible heat wave here, so Christmas can't come soon enough.^^
So many interesting books. Glad you liked Gardens and I can't wait for you guys to read on, cause the first book is just the tip of the iceberg. So many interesting characters and plotlines are yet to come.
I had a similar experience with Hero of Ages. For a very long time I thought it would be more of a 4 star read for me, but the ending was actually so impressive that it ended up in my Top 5 list for last year's reading.
As said in my last comment, I can't wait to get into Mad Ship and catch up with all of you.
I also hope to get to Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell as my intention is to read it before I start to watch the show.
And I bought the Iron Ship a couple of weeks ago, cause I found it sounded interesting. Unfortunately the reviews I've read so far were more "meh" than exciting, but hopefully we're going to like it, when we get to it. :)


Jonathan Strange and Mr. Nor ell is SO good! I can't wait to see what you think.


So I'm new to your channel and you may do this for all of your wrap ups, but I love how you put the charts on there! That is such a good idea.


Loved reading Gardens of the Moon with you - like I told Connor, I don't know if I would have gotten through it without buddy reading it. Looking forward to hearing what you think about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell!


I think it is amazing that you are still doing detailed wrap ups, I got so tired of tracking my reading that I feel I might not last until the end of the year. Keep updating my spreadsheet to film my wrap up video mainly :(


WOW you read so many books during June!!! CONGRATS, SAMANTHA (:


The end of Hero of Ages killed me (in a good way). I've been meaning to start Robin Hobb's work for a while; I really need to pick up Farseer. I'm glad to see that you liked Gardens of the Moon and hope you love the next books - I just finished book 4 and it's my favorite so far.

I'm really looking forward to the Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell buddy read!


Haha, I'm not a fan of mass markets either. I'm trying to replace all of mine, but some books are so hard to find now that I probably will only have them in mass markets *cries*
Wonderful wrap-up and TBR. So many books I want to read!


Whaaat, 50 books already this year? WOO go Sam! :) I didnt realize Strange & Norell had a TV adaptation. I've had the book sitting on my shelf for about a year, so clearly I need to get on that this summer so I can check the show out.


I reaaally love that you type out the book name, author and rating on the screen!! So Awesome!! Thank you! ... now I'm off to continue watching the video lol


Fantasy (especially high fantasy) is my favorite genre and I love your videos, you give great recommendations (and not just in the YA genre, which is awesome!) :)


Awesome wrap-up, Sam! Totally agree about Rick Riordan's books--they're quick, light-hearted, entertaining reads. Not my favorite books, but still enjoyable to read! I really love how the Greek and Roman heroes teamed up in The Mark of Athena as well, and I think that The House of Hades is going to be even better, though I haven't read it yet haha.

I've been eyeing Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, but I'm intimidated by its size haha. Hopefully it goes well for you, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it (:


I can relate to what you were saying about spoiling something for yourself. The series I’m reading now there was something I had to know about a particular character or it would’ve driven me crazy. So I intentionally spoiled something for myself, but I was carefully to only look at the wiki entry for that character only.  
Also His Dark Materials is the only book I can recall numerous times glancing at the next page before I’d barely read half of the previous page.


ohmygosh, my name is Bailee is when you were talking to your dog it really got my attention! lol :P 
Wow, so many books and long books, too!


Wow you read a lot of big books this month :) I'm really interested in Robin Hobb and want to read one of her books some day...


I actually picked up the three musketeers from your videos! Excited to read it although my copy is over 1000 pages..


I've only just subbed this month so i've never seen your monthly graphs. It's pretty cool. Awesome video! Happy reading :)
