Mindscape 290 | Hahrie Han on Making Multicultural Democracy Work

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It's a wonder democracy works at all -- a collection of people with potentially different interests have to agree to abide by majority vote even when it goes against their desires. But as we know, it doesn't always work, and racial and ethnic tensions are one of its biggest challenges. Hahrie Han studies the ground-up workings of democracy, how people can come together to successfully enact change. In her new book Undivided: The Quest for Racial Solidarity in an American Church, she investigates an example where democracy apparently has worked remarkably well, and asks what lessons we can draw from it.

Hahrie Han recieved her Ph.D. in political science from Stanford University. She is currently the Director of the SNF Agora Institute, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Professor of Political Science, and Faculty Director of the P3 Research Lab at Johns Hopkins University. She was named the Social Innovation Thought Leader of the Year by the World Economic Forum, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and gave the 2024 Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Harvard University, among other awards.

#podcast #ideas #science #philosophy #culture

Thank you, Mr. Carroll and Ms. Han. This is a very timely and interesting discussion that has caused me to reflect a lot on my own beliefs surrounding politics and where I fit in the politi. I would advocate for more discussions like this, but I understand why one might avoid them, knowing that the algorithms steer certain topics into quagmires riddled with bots, bigots, and bad-faith actors. Your work is greatly appreciated!


I love this! Another great episode! I'm so grateful there are smart people working on healing these interactions.


Hey Sean, on the topic of democracy I would recommend having Maxwell Stearns on as a guest. He is a law professor at the University of Maryland with a recent book "Parliamentary America", where he makes the case for a more modern democratic process while comparing/contrasting existing systems from different countries around the world.


How quickly multicultural democracy will fail depends on the cultures in question.


thumbs down, because putting any qualifiers in front of the word democracy is dangerous, and has caused harm


I don't know if we had in the globe a true democratic experience. . .to be a candidate you'll need like a billion dollar campaing....in Brazil it doens't matter who is the candidate, the parties and the donators, wich means : the financial and corporation lobby, are the ones who really govern us. Democracy with capitalism doens't match. I would like to know more about China's system, and perhaps we could create some new ways and systems there are better than what we have...


Thanks. You should do more talks about messy aspects of human reality. Physics is to easy


its such a joke listening to Americans talk about democracy when they have only two parties. The idea people are either Left or Right loses so much detail about subjects as you only have two choices. Any European country would show you how a healthy democracy looks with 5+ parties getting public support. 2 Party systems with large lobbying leads to easy corruption. Then you have First-preference plurality voting when something like Proportional Representation – Single Transferable Vote works much better. American needs to modernize, if it really cares about being a healthy democracy


🆒much 👀ツ
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She looks Indonesian -- I thought the discussion would be on Indonesian democracy!
