The Death of Superman - Movie Review

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With a title like that, can it surprise me at all? Actually... yeah.

✔ Stardust: CouncilofGeeks

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The best scene in the movie is the meeting in the Hall Of Justice. It's not an epic battle, it doesn't cause huge drama. It's just a casual scene with the leaguers talking about their lives. This scene really shows us how normal they are and I love it!


The thing I most love about you is your willingness to rethink your opinions, change your mind, and generally admit you're wrong. That can be a rare thing these days, and if more people had that trait, I feel like the world would be a slightly more bearable place.


I think the part I found that REALLY works in the film was Lois & Clark's relationship and chemistry. It helps that's there a writer who's worked on a marridd Superman recently like Peter J. Tomasi, and secondly, both Lois & Clark's voice actors are the happily married couple, Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca Romjin.


That’s where your wrong about what he took on in the original story. Booster Gold wasn’t what sold his toughness it was almost killing Martian man hunter which was Bloodwyne taking on a yellow lantern, Maxima who is on a strength level of Supes, taking all there energy blasts at once and fighting the Man of Steel across entire states then killing him. but you are right about them banking on the fact that generations already knew who Superman was. after all who doesn’t?


My personal favorite Lex Luther will always be the type that has lost his way when he is faced with humans not being the "apex" species. It gives him proper motivation and still allows justification for his power and influence.


It was good?
Maybe I'm thinking of Superman: Doomsday...
This was the overlong prologue to Reign of Superman? The one with "Barry Allen as Wally West" Flash again? Nathan Fillion as "fill in the Blank" Green Lantern, presumably Hal?
I guess I didn't like something that was good then... if that was good. To me, it was Doomsday punching Superman, Superman punching Doomsday again. While other people watched. Again.

Yeah so "taking the time" just to get to the third animated version of their "best"/best selling comic just irritated the hell out of me as I was expect this to be Reign BECAUSE it's called Death of Superman.


Movie was enjoyable. However....they need to drop this animation style, and I agree this New 52 inspired continuity sucks.


I've long felt that the way to write the "death" of Superman has already been done really, really well - and it's not any adaptation of the story of the same name. It is the DCAU Justice League Season 2 story, "Hereafter" (at least, the first of the two episodes): an assortment of Superman's enemies established in the DCAU up to this point (Metallo, Kalibak, Livewire, Toyman and Weather Wizard) come up with a plan to get revenge on Supes, essentially being an adaptation of the Superman Revenge Squad that's appeared occasionally. Thanks to a device made by Toyman which seemingly disintegrates anything, they seem to succeed when he aims at an injured Batman and Wonder Woman; Superman dives in front of the blast and disintegrates. From there the fallout is dealt through the rest of the episode and it is POWERFUL: Wonder Woman nearly puts a fist through Schott Jnr., only stopped when the Flash points out it's "not how we do things", speaking for Superman; Batman is skeptical because there are no remains of anything that was blasted, and refuses to believe it; most of the League is severely shaken, with the Flash pointing out how he always knew Superman could save him ("Now I guess his example will have to be enough"), stoic Hawkgirl crying privately, and Diana being visited by her mother as she prepares for it; we even have Martian Manhunter deliver the eulogy, after seeing many others who Superman touched (Aquaman, Doctor Fate, Supergirl and his parents, childhood friend Lana Lang, the works) show up - even Lex Luthor is there, and after Lois furiously berates him for his presence he says, in what might be his sincerest moment, that he too will miss his old enemy. Then transition to the League (sans Batman) reminiscing fondly, having to fight without Superman (with some help from Lobo, whose attempt to get himself membership is one of the only true bits of levity), and Batman seeming to accept that he might have been wrong (and as Bruce under the cowl, speaking to Clark at his grave marker).

Of course, the last scene reveals that Superman is in fact alive, and the second part of the story is itself a different plot. But it explores the ramifications further, in an interesting way, while also furthering Superman's character within the continuity. Just... excellent, overall.


I like you had many reasons to hate this. I not only read the Death of Superman when it came out but I sort of bought into the hype. DC was killing off it's flagship character because after 50 some years they ran out of stories. SNL did the funeral. It was really happening. The story didn't have to be good. This was history. After the Death they introduced 4 versions of Superman which tied into the idea that they ran out of stories. How could any animated movie 20 years later live up to any of that? It was ok.


It was written by tomasi that is why it is good


I like new 52 version of Batman Flash, wonder woman, Aquaman and Shazam, and Cyborg, but I hate the new 52 version of Superman he sucks pre-new 52 Superman is better oh and I think I picked early did not like the death of Superman storyline either but for some reason I actually like this one way better than one team in the early 2000s pretty strange huh


hey nate, one problem i found with the movie was that i found i couldn't care for the superman being presented in the movie cause i barely got to know him from the other movies he made an appearance in, well in the sense that i wanted to care anyway, now about lex luthor, yeah i can honestly see your point but you do have to give props for raine wilson for basically taking what jesse isenberg did in BvS and inserting some much needed focus into the characterization.


If you watched closely they brought up Apocolipse twice in this movie first when the gangsters had had there tech and when the asteroid was boom tubed in which means where going to see Darkseid again


Agreed. The new 52 version movies didn't bother me quite as much as you but I agree in general they weren't as good and this one is the best of them imo. Lex I agree is also pretty annoying.

Crossing fingers for reign of the supermen. I'm tentatively trusting them after what they did here.


U make a valid point with the title! Though to be fair DC is kinda the king of spoilers, I mean how many damn spoilers did we get with BvS?? Plus DC kinda spoiled the original comic when they publicly ANNOUNCED Death of Superman back in 1992 so really this isn’t much of a shock to me


Sorry this is a week late. Forgot several of the characters who took him on including Blue Beatle, Fire and Ice. not to mention the military and all of Lex Luthor’s hi tech equipment. and that still was not slowing him down


because of Peter J. Tomasi write this story..but now he gone in reign of superman..


unless you have already done this, maybe an Animation Junkie: Batman The Dark Knight Returns?


New titles? Very fancy! (The very first bit made me think of James Bond for some reason!)


All the ingredients are wrong, but you like the result. This movie is your Fried Egg, Chili, Chutney Sandwich. #RedDwarf
