BJP Vs Congress Debate On Gujarat Election Results : BJP Won By A Whisker ?

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India Today brings you exclusive analysis of Gujarat assembly election results in which BJP has managed to regain the power. The BJP won the elections even after Congress put up a strong fight in the state. Congress has won 80 seats out of the 182 assembly seats in Gujarat.
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The saffron victory in States like Gujarat just shows how many people in these States remain drunk with fundamentalism and fascism that saffron brigade peddles. These wins cannot be called winning on merits. Instilling hatred and fear in a large section of people in the country and dividing people along communal and caste lines to win elections in order to acquire pelf and power do not bode well for a democratic system in the first place. People that play such dirty politics are imbeciles that do not have any other merit to qualify to represent people.

Unscrupulous politicians continue to destroy this country at the expense of common man. Fascists and anti-social elements, unfortunately, have hijacked India's democracy. They take people for granted. They reduce people to helpless conditions and then build their empires by taking advantage of their helplessness. This is the sad plight they have plunged our country to. These are not victories of democracy or common man of India. These are victories of plutocrats, banksters, the greedy capitalists and globalists that are hellbent on crushing and exploiting common man.

Communal politics and fascism violate the fundamental principles of Democracy. For example, where is EQUALITY when a section of people consider themselves superior than others? Where is EQUALITY where nepotism and crony capitalism have become the order of the day? Where is EQUALITY when a section of people argue that they are more entitled to the resources of the nation because they subscribe to a religious system that allegedly majority of people in this country subscribe to? That is the only qualification they need. Is that a merit at all? Where is justice and fair play in DIVIDE and RULE policy? You practice the same policy that you accuse colonial Brits of. Where is FRATERNITY where a section of people hate others in the family of a nation? Where is FRATERNITY when you advocate hatred of others that do not subscribe to your religious and political views? Where is UNITY in a nation where people are divided along caste, tribe, race, language and religious lines? Yes, it is true that there Moslems drunk with their brand of fascism that are engaged in violence and bloodshed as well. They are not right either. That said, what makes you different or better by practising the same crime that you accuse them of? IDEOLOGICALLY, then, it is THEY who win rather than YOU, because you are agreeing with their way of life by following their way of doing things rather than correcting them by following an IDEOLOGY of PEACE and SANITY. But then, you have got to be a believer in PEACE and SANITY in the first place. Only then, will you have an alternative way of life and ideology to propose.

Gullible (largely illiterate) sections of our population are being USED and ABUSED by the unscrupulous globalist agents in Politics and Business in the name of a sham show called DEVELOPMENT. Ignorant masses are taken for a royal ride. Politicians come begging for votes to people. That's the only democracy people of this country get. The resources of this country continue to concentrate in the hands of the rich few that sponsor and patron these politicians. These dishonest stooges of capitalists and neo-colonialists blithely continue deceiving poor people left, right, centre. Unless people of this country wake up and smell the coffee, and take charge of the politics of this country, election results will continue to be the victory of "the tiny minority of the rich" in India. Unless people of this country step up to save democracy and the true national UNITY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY and LIBERTY of people across the nation, election results will continue to embolden and empower just the Top Of the Pyramid.


Congress did very well with 80 seat .. bjp won with modi brand..


I thaut Shashi tharoor is the only smart in Congrees, never expected statment from him


Rahul seems to be belonging to leftist bandwagon


Congress even can ask UN, Pakistan to help defeat BJP..The party which can forge for a reservation for high social status PPL, only for power they don't have morals


Bhatia is next Batra. He is talking nonsense.


2:52 yes, if it grinds your axe to get the majority. if same is said about BJP, it's not a new term, but congressing doing so is a dark patch on your political ideology. Cause you guys claim to be saccular. It's so sickular.You are trying to do what ever could get you a government forming majority. world has grown bored of freedom fighter who want ransom in return. See MOGABE ... his day are over. same is the fate of congress if it does not stand on the peoples aspiration.

and for all communities who are used of appeasement should understand that those days are over. come and stand in queue. what has started will come to an end BHAGWAT GITA.
