E.P:-23 | How to control led through firebase using NodeMCU part-1 | NodeMCU Tutorial | Tech For Fun

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For the Arduino tutorial, you can check the link given below
Our 1st video was about how to download and install Arduino .:-
Our 2nd video was aboBluetoothut how to interface LED to Arduino UNO .:-
3rd video How to interface IR sensor to Arduino UNO:-
Serial communication laptop to Arduino UNO:-
How to Control LED using Serial Monitor:-
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor with Arduino:-
Control Led Brightness using Arduino:-
How to interface LDR sensor with Arduino (analogRead()):-
Control led through clap sound:-
Control lamp using the TV remote and Arduino:-
Control AC appliances through Relay and Arduino:-
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino interface:-
Control led using Bluetooth (HC-05) and Arduino:-
If you want to learn in detail you can check out my website:-
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