After hearing Bill sing this it's always had a very menacing feeling to it for me. This is perfect
it's always been a comforting thought to think that 079 has the capability to be friendly to someone if he wanted to. But I could see that as extremely difficult, as I'm sure he relates on that front with 682 as well.
But if nothing else, if he wanted to orchestrate some kind of emotion while he watches the true 001 unfold, this could be a fitting tune for him to deliver.
we all know in this particular series, it would be the end of the world on steroids
*you're running through dark and damp concrete corridors, while hearing heavy footsteps behind you. A heavy and unknowable terror is following you, intent on ripping your flesh from your bones and the soul from your body. Suddenly, a song starts playing over the intercom. You've heard it before. The voice of that talking computer you met fills your ears as a far away siren starts to come to life, beckoning your demise, together with everything in this unholy place.*
POV: You're an janitor for the SCP Foundation, You're cleaning the hallways, as always, When you can hear the next message from the intercom. It tells that the site is in lockdown, You quickly run to the evacuation zone as quick as possible, You are close to the door of the evacuation, Until it suddenly closes. Youre trapped within the dark hallways of the foundation. Then, In the intercom, You can hear SCP-079 Singing, You know youre doomed...
This almost made me cry. Such a masterpiece.
This song plays I'm my head when my friend is about to find me in hide and seek
I can’t wait to play this in a dark hallway
C.A.S.S.I.E: *Scp 079, Scp 939 succesfully terminated by Alpha Warhead*
me with the grenade with no pin in hand:
the sight is experiencing multiple keter and euclid containment breaches, full sight lockdown initiated.
How’d u get it to sound like how it does? its got that like raspyness in its voice but when i do it, it kinda just sounds like im using a bonzai buddy model lol