💕 Don't Give Up on Men! How to Love Dating Again (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

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I post new dating advice for women every Sunday.

It’s true. Some modern men suck.

And yet...

I read a comment from a woman on my latest YouTube sketch with Anna Akana which said: “This makes me never want to date again.”

When I saw that, I sighed in disappointment.

I get it.

It’s easy to decide that the opposite sex is hopeless.

It’s easy to say, “guys never want commitment”, or “all modern men are players”. (Believe me, I hear plenty of male friends with their own complaints about modern women).

But if you’re tired of these stereotypes and want to learn the behavior that attracts the truly great guys out there, make sure you watch this week’s video.

You’ll learn how the most attractive women use their knowledge of men to their advantage...

▼ Get My Latest Dating Tips and Connect With Me… ▼

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Sadly, most of what I have learned after 3 years of trying to date online and in real life is to always trust the bad and never the good. In other words, trust in the non-returned texts, the ghosting after 1-3 dates, and any manner of rudeness or dismissiveness--THOSE THINGS can always be counted to mean what they mean... Flirtiness, flattery and kindness almost never mean anything--AT ALL... :( (Or maybe it is just the whole presented problem of trying to date in L.A...) But I still love your videos Matthew!


It's been nearly a year since I've followed Matthew. I didn't think I'd ever dated again after my separation from my husband. Then something happened. Subconsciously, things that Matthew said sank in without me ever trying. I've become more confident in socially and stopped taking rubbish from anyone. I met a really nice guy that changed my outlook on men. I've never felt so loved. To top it all off. We're now having a baby. 😍😊. I rarely leave comments because I know they just get ignored. But, something good might come out of this.


I don't want to believe but my last experience was just devastating. Apparently I'm really the kind of girl guys are looking for, but they always seems to fly away and get a better option.
This hunt for "always more" just get me back to my insecurities... and make me think I'll never be enough...


I see a lot've comments saying "I give up". And, ya know what? I say, yeah. Do give up. Because that's what I did a bit ago when I opted to just focus on my career path, health, fitness, and loved ones. Then, I met someone. And, ya know what? We didn't date. Not at first. (Because, duh, I'd given up on that.) No, we became friends instead. We went on adventures and trained MMA together. We laughed at eachother's dumb jokes and didn't put on fronts in front of one another (something I have to consciously avoid, but your videos help with). We genuinely liked eachother as human people before deciding... we were kinda attracted to eachother. It could end tomorrow, and this'd still be one of my favorite relationships ever. We're both individuals. We genuinely enjoy eachother, but know how to balance and go do our own self-growth in between that. And that keeps us attracted to eachother - we inpsire eachother. I can't help but think that's the way to go. And I can't help but think listening to your videos helped. They made me realize we each have gotta work on being okay with ourselves - being completely okay being alone, while having success in career, social, and spiritual life. Then, when someone saunters on into our world whose gears fit ours, we can strike up a buddyship first, sans expectations. Go have fun (like you say - not dinner, but ice cream or someth exciting). Be ourselves, but be our best in-progress version of ourselves. And if it blossoms, then awesome. And if not, then we've not set any expectations so there's nada to worry about. Why? 'cause we've still got all the other validation legs intact on our confidence coffee table, holding it up. So, yeah. I say: do give up. But don't shut down. Keep listening to these videos. Because A.) they offer far, far more than relache advice, and B.) when the right soul seeks you out, your subconscious'll be armed with the best way to interact with them. *End inspo rant lol


you are right, I don't want to give up, but I'm gonna protect my heart 😊😊😊


I have really enjoyed your videos! But it is difficult not to feel like giving up. I'm 37 years old, in great shape, never been married, no kids, great career, getting my master's degree...and I'm single. Most days I feel good about my life but there are those days I feel lonely and wish I could finally just meet a man that "gets me." Dating sucks in my city!! haha! Keep those positive vibes coming Matthew!!!


I actually learned today (well, this week), that I need to not only learn how to talk to men, but be more assertive. I'm too kind and giving, and people, both romantically and professionally take advantage of that. So, I'm starting with my ex, and saying no. And going from there. And remind myself that "No." is a complete sentence.

Thanks for your videos, Matthew! :)


Oh god. Wasn't expecting my comment to be featured.


Too late, I've given up. 10 years ago. Been single ever since. Like other people say: no drama since. I just started watching these videos because I was trying to figure out if someone is actually flirting with me.


I was speaking to this guy for almost a year I'd say about 9 months, he messaged me everyday, without fail. During this time we never met up, because I was so busy and then when I was free he was busy. So, we decided to meet up last weekend (his suggestion) and I agreed. Saturday evening I'm waiting for him and we've been talking all day, he tells me he's really tired as I know he went out the night before. I was understanding though upset, and he was extremely apologetic and honestly upset also.

He then asks to reschedule to this weekend (yesterday -Saturday). I agree. We spoke the whole week and Saturday morning, we were laughing and joking with eachother, around 1pm he tells me he's going to eat and take a shower ( as we were planning on meeting around 3). At this point I'm dressed, I text him and ask him when he thinks he'll get here. He doesn't reply as he doesn't read my text. 5 hrs pass and it's 6pm, another hour passed and I notice he finally reads my text but doesn't respond. I was so mad because I cancelled on so many things for him, I do something really important on Saturdays and decided to change it for him. It's now 10 at night and I'm about to message my friend when I realise that he's actually blocked me.. I didn't text him or anything.

I'm confused as if he really didn't want to talk to me or meet up why not just say? He wasted my time and his.. and made me wait for him for hours like an idiot. I've never felt so much like absolute shit in my life. I haven't had the best relationships with men, that's why I've never dated and I have a weird fear of abandonment stemming from my father.. and friends. So much so that if a guy messes up, I'm expecting it. If someone cheats on me in the future I wouldn't be surprised because of the low self worth I have. I genuinely feel like I'm too nice or maybe I'm doomed..

As sad and as awful as it may be I've given up with men.


I thought there's gonna be tips on how to enjoy dating after a heartbreak. Turn out it's a commercial for a book.


I read somewhere that more and more women are giving up on men and getting pets instead.


Honestly Matt, I have to say I admire your dedication to encouraging women. 3 points for you.


After series of heartbreaks, I've decided to ditch the dating game but after watching your video it makes me feel more excited of what love has to offer me.


i cant give so much importance to men by learning how to talk to them ..dont u think its better to be hopeless about them, than giving them so much importance that i have to do a course on how to deal with them...i really like the way you are teaching people that how to handle heartbreaks and all..thats inspiring..


I love all these comments by single women giving up . Glad to see im not the only one who feels that way.


YouTube: do not give up on men
Me: already did .l. .l. Lol


You have my respect for showing my comment which criticised you harshly.


The fact that there's a need for a video where you tell us not to "Give up on men" is downright depressing.


I definitely don't want to give up but it's hard when I've had my heart broken by a guy who told me that I was too hyper and affectionate for him that it made me close my heart off and my heart be damaged in the worst possible way
