Redefining Circularity: Who Shapes Fashion's Sustainable Future?

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As an industry, we talk about the need to transition away from the current linear system towards a circular model that minimizes waste and maximizes resource use by keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible.

This involves designing clothes to last longer, recycling materials to create new garments, and prioritizing repair and reuse over disposal.

But as the fashion industry embraces this circular vision, what does this new system look like, and WHO gets to define it? Who’s at the table when we think about fashion’s circular future, and who’s not? 👀

Historically, discussions on circularity have been dominated by voices from the Global North, especially Western countries. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the fashion industry’s impacts are global. Therefore, the perspectives and experiences of those in the Global South, where much of the production occurs and the waste ends up, must also be central to the conversation. 💯

Love this clip from SFF23 with Nicole Bassett, co-founder of The Renewal Workshop and Circularity Lead at Bleckmann, emphasizing the need to reimagine the concept of circularity in a way that doesn’t perpetuate harmful legacies or exclude marginalized voices. 💫
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