Need For Speed Underground 2 with all stage 3 parts (PC Version w/Hard Difficulty Career) Longplay

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What you are seeing is a graphics mod but not all of it because I cannot get the game to load with all the graphics mod. The mod I used was NFS Underground 2 redux graphics mod. There is no prologue for this because the profile creator I use skips that stage.
Extra options for NFS Underground 2
NFS Underground 2 profile create
Time Stamps for each stage
Stage 1 0:00:00
Stage 2 0:15:26
Stage 3 1:18:05
Stage 4 3:14:12
Stage 5 6:18:04
Extra options for NFS Underground 2
NFS Underground 2 profile create
Time Stamps for each stage
Stage 1 0:00:00
Stage 2 0:15:26
Stage 3 1:18:05
Stage 4 3:14:12
Stage 5 6:18:04