German reacts to the 22 Interesting Facts about Poland

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In this video I react to the 22 Interesting Facts about Poland

Wesprzyj moją pracę i uzyskaj dostęp do reakcji na polskie filmy i seriale na Patreonie 🇵🇱😍

I love to do Poland Reactions and Reaction to Poland videos. I especially love to react to Polish culture, Polish history and Polish Comedy. I started with a few Poland Culture reaction videos, then did some Poland History Reaction videos and I am doing now also Poland Comedy Reaction videos.I was impressed by the Polish Army in comparison to the German Army. And maybe want to do a Polish Rap Reaction in the future. I love to react to poland and do polish music reaction videos. I already did an unconquered reaction.


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0:00 Intro
0:25 Reactioin
10:55 Analysis

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Skłodowska nazwała Polon z powodu nazwy swojego kraju, Polski.


In Poland we say, that our cities were bombed by GERMANS, not some nazis . There was not such a country like, ,Naziland".


Regarding lektor- it's hard to explain, but after a while you stop hearing the lektor and start hearing actor's real voices in the background. Your brain quickly adjusts to it and I love watching movies with lektor, it's one of the concepts that you really have to try to understand because when you just think about it, it doesn't make any sense.


I have lived in the US for 42 years, and I still miss lektor. I HATE watching dubbed foreign movies.


There was never Marie “Curie”. Her name was always Maria Skłodowska and later Skłodowska-Curie.


Łukasiewicz not only invented naft lamp, but whole oil rafinery process in petrochemic industry which its used in all world and still upgraded in last decades


Oh man, I have to explain it all on another channel... Please do not listen to "FACTS" about Poland from channels, that are not FROM Poland! Many of those "facts" are mistaken or outdated or oversimplified or just straight up BS (like the pizza one, I don't even have an idea where did this guy get that idea about pizza in Poland.... wtf, we have normal pizza). Marie Curie was not named Marie Curie! Her name was Marie Skłodowska-Curie and she actively fought really hard to be called by her full name, ALWAYS insisting to refer her as Polish woman. She said she really struggled to convince people, because they were not happy, that she is giving her accomplishements to Poland rather than to France. This shit is continuing to this day and it needs to STOP. Even the guy who made the video didn't write her full name! Name is the gratest honor and should be respected, especially when someone of such caliber was fighting so hard for it. Next, kissing woman's hand is not in FASHION, it is more of a relict of the past and only old farts do this. Most women do not like it, and I've never seen a younger than 50 years old man do this. Sadly, śmingus is becoming a thing of the past too, but spanking with branches is a thing of a FAR FAR past, this dude just read some stupid article and didn't even understand it (I know exactly which one). Name day is a thing, but I would never say it is more important than birthday. Everyone celebrates birthday at least somehow, at list little birthday wishes, bur some people do not calebrate name day at all, I don't even remember mine for example. Another thing from the past, with the TV dubbing. Far past. Big movies are always actor dubbed now, some have also versions with lektor. There are 48 Gutenberg Bibles left in the This dude is just so bad at his job, I just can't. His pronounciations are one of the worst I've ever seen any English lector say, like he didn't even bother to at least check the pronounciation with google translate voice, and it is his job. ANOTHER stupid comment about aniconception methods. They are all allowed, only abortion is not and only church is condemning anticonception, but i guess he does it all over the world. This movie is just terrible and I've stated it clearly on many channels. Chris, please forget it, or at least read what I've wrote, thank you.


Poland wasn't attacked by Nazists but by the Germany and Soviets.


Maria Skłodowska Curie was actually Polish! The two elements she discovered, were named after being proud of Poland. "Polon" is named after Poland, and "Radium" is "Rad" in Polish, which actually means Happy 😊


I heard that both Maria Skłodowska-Curie and Chopin are considered French in Germany. Is that true? Both were Polish and grew up in Warsaw.


Przyznam, że jestem ciekawy co o Polsce muszą myśleć ludzie z Zachodu, skoro dziwi ich tak wiele normalnych rzeczy w naszym kraju jak to, że mamy noblistów, morskie plaże, średniowieczne zamki, górskie szczyty, a kobiety są atrakcyjnie i ładnie ubrane. Mamy też drogi ekspresowe, elektryczność, a w domach są toalety. Mamy nawet łyżki i widelce. Ciekawe co jeszcze może zaskoczyć zachodniego Europejczyka.


She was born as Maria Skłodowska,
in Polish family in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.
She went to France, when she was 24, to study.
There she married Pierre Curie.
Pierre Curie was a great husband, for example, he did not agree to accept the Nobel Prize alone, for their joint discovery. In the end, they got this Nobel prize together.
Pierre fought for Marie to be treated as a full-fledged scientist, not her husband's assistant.


I love lector because it allows me to hear the actors' original voices


If You are a mathematician, You should read also about so-called "Lwów School of Mathematics" - which was a group of outstanding, famous Polish mathematicians, academics, who worked in the interwar period in Lwów (now: Lviv). Among them were for instance Stefan Banach or Stanisław Ulam. Some of them, like Ulam later for instance participated in the US Manhattan Project, working in Los Alamos on creating the US nuclear bomb.


In old Poland, Dziady was celebrated, not Halloween. Mickiewicz even wrote a book about this holiday


MARIA SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE! a nie zadna Marie Curie xd


Maria Skłodowska is Polish. She married a French guy named Pierre Curie but she is Polish


13 bullshit. We have normal pizza but we love to put extra sauce on top. Most common is ketchup or garlic sauce.


About Polish worlwide known scientists, one should also mention for instance Jan Czochralski - he was a Polish chemist who invented so-called Czochralski method, which is used in growing single crystals and in production of semiconductor wafers. His method is still used in over 90 % of all electronics in the world that use semiconductors. He is the most cited Polish scholar (very well known and cited in many countries, in plenty of publications, even in China).


the narrator is the best because you can hear the actor and the narrator, you can hear the real emotions of the characters, that's why I hate dubbing and not everyone in Poland knows English
