Best Way to Level Up Fast in Black Myth: Wukong

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Best Way to Level Up Fast in Black Myth: Wukong

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It’s also a very good way to farm Mind Core, which are required to upgrade stats


I dont think you can top the farm on chapter 3. Webbed Hollow > Pool of Shattered Jade. Spawn at the shrine, run right and go to the cave with all the cocoons. Use the Ashen Slumber shapeshift and blow up in the middle. Its usually a full level and 3k will within 30 seconds. Teleport back to the shrine and repeat.


If in chapter 1, use the snake farm, just before the boss, each snake enemy is 175 xp, there are 4 snakes, one on the bridge, one under and 2 in forest, plus all the skeletons are 100 each, it took me like 3-4 minutes and I did it for like 3 hours and went from lvl 17 to 30, coz I was stuck on the snakelord and this got me through him, if ur chapter 2 then use the rockrest, the checkpoint further up from the one I this video, that one kill the shield people gets u 270 xp per and there are 3 there plus 2 rock ppl that get u like 130 each, it took me 2 mins to kill them all and reset at the grace which is very close, I did that for like 2 hours and got to very high.level, plus the shield rats give u mind cores which are very useful


I’m in chapter 2 and this has been my farm so far. I realized I was a bit under powered for the bosses so I’m grinding forks bit until my stats are up. This is a legit farming run if you are only in chapter 2.


I wasn't particularly trying to level up, but I spent so much time in this level looking around to find all the secrets, probably did the whole level at least 2 dozen times.


Smash stance is so usefull cant wait to get to ng+ where all stances are fully unlocked to pull of sick combos. Im loving this game, the spirt and transformations remind me of nioh 2 (one of my favorites)


There is a better farm in chapter 2 at Rockrest Shrine. You can get 1200+ in a minute to a minute and a half. Somewhere between 50-75K XP in an hour.


Lol, I discovered this area too. Farmed about 7 levels before boredom set in. Great for an old guy like myself that likes to still play games but doesn't want a headache surviving.


Yellow sand sage made me go back and re explore the game. Found new optional bosses I missed. New spirits. Came back stronger and made it to chapter 3. Break time. Might give it a rest and wait for updates. Only playing on a ps portal for an added challenge. Sometimes leveling up is a good thing.


Upper pagoda in Chpt. 3 is really good spot. 1000xp every 2 mins


Early yea. But once you get to webbed hollow, pool of shattered jade has the most broken farming spot. Get ashen slumber spell and go to the sacks and kamikaze. Easy levels and will instantly. Rinse and repeat with in 10 seconds.


Think the snake trail farm is actually better, since you need to only kill the 'live' snakes and many four skeletons ones, teleport back to the shrine, and repeat the run. Each live snake is 175 xp (four of them) and each skeleton snake is 32, plus each live snake can drop a mind core.


Heheh, "the grace." I find myself doing shit like that too with this game😂


Tbh, I found myself back tracking a lot to farm for items, so long as the chapter you’re farming is the one you just finished walking back thru the chapter gives great leveling capability


Best farm for will and levels is in hallowed web in chapter 4, the jaded pool, use the bull spirit transformation with his special ability blows up all those spider eggs each time without will buffs you get 2, 696 and each level only takes 4 runs


And if you had the staff just above yours, you can one hit almost all of the rock guys and power level


My favorite method is killing the horse shield guy at the bridge and resetting at the shrine next to it


Strong disagree: starting from Rockrest Flat, you'll can make a run for over 1200 XP in about a minute, while having 3 enemies per minute with a Mindcore drop chance!


This is exactly what I did at the exact same spot until i got to level 62


Way better farm in chapter 4 in the cave with all the spider's in the sacs hanging there with the right transformation you can explode all of them at once around 3k will every like 25 seconds
