PlayStation 5 Pro - 20+ Tricks Only PRO GAMERS Know!

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🔥 Unlock the TRUE power of your PS5 Pro! 🔥 Think you know your PlayStation 5 Pro? Think again. In this video, we reveal 20+ hidden features, tips, and tricks that even seasoned gamers might have missed. 🤯 From secret settings to optimize performance, to hidden menus and shortcuts that will blow your mind!

Learn how to boost your FPS and graphics: Discover how to maximize your Pro's visual fidelity and achieve buttery-smooth gameplay. Hidden performance modes: Unlock secret settings that unleash your console's full potential. Learn advanced techniques and customization options to gain a competitive edge. Fine-tune your audio settings for immersive 3D sound.
And much more! Don't settle for the basics. Level up your gaming experience and become a PS5 Pro master!

#PS5Pro #PlayStation5 #GamingTips #HiddenFeatures #ProGamer #PS5Tricks

00:00 - PS5 Pro Tips First Things To Do
00:28 - Welcome Page
03:09 - Better Audio
04:19 - Enhance Games
04:51 - Better Frame Rates
05:24 - Faster Frame Rates
06:15 - Faster Internet
07:01 - Specific Game Style
08:11 - Better Charging
08:57 - Longer Lasting Battery
09:43 - Faster Dual-sense
10:40 - Digital Assistant
11:41 - Friend Notifications
12:14 - Lock games to your Home screen
12:48 - Better Organised
14:14 - Personalised BGM
15:11 - Mute Everything
15:43 - Haptic Navigation
16:18 - Custom Lights
16:59 - A Little Help
17:47 - Display Protection
18:30 - Bonus 1 Blu Ray
19:02 - Bonus 2 Sony Pictures Core
19:33 - Bonus 3 ps5 pro games
20:02 - Bonus 4
20:40 - Bonus 5 Broadcast
21:37 - Bonus 6 QR code invites
22:06 - Bonus 7 How to cheat
22:26 - Bonus 8 Safe Mode
23:59 - outro

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Рекомендации по теме

This is why i dont listen to the millions of losers that care what console i decided to get because this machine is amazing and those that say otherwise literally never even played the damn thing


For starters when it comes to the PS5 pro, the biggest factor that should be calculated when getting this is whether or not you have a TV that can fully utilize the system. Simple as that. If you have a TV that can utilize the power and you have the money to get it then it is by all means worth it in my opinion


I totally respect the opinion of other more experienced gamers telling us not to waste our money buying the PS5 Pro, but buying this is our choice, and if you can afford it, then buy it. If you cannot, then you won't be missing much. You'll be just fine with the slim console or the OG console. For the rest of us, we enjoy having the latest upgrades.


You have to play Days Gone on the new PS5 Pro. To me, it's the best example of what the new system can do. Days Gone is also the best game I've ever played on Playstation. I really hope Sony makes Days Gone 2.


I really don't see the point of custom background when 80% of it is hidden. They could at least have made the widgets partly transparent to make it more worthwhile.


Just picked up my new PS5 Pro! And this video is truly helpful, great upgrade from the OG. In my opinion, worth every penny


I wanted to add the picture in the picture tip, but I ran out of time 😅


Nice video, thanks a lot for the tips. Btw on PS5 Pro after turning off ALLM I played the old LOTR games and both Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War run on approx 50fps, which is finally playable for me. Also the PSSR did marvel with Shadow of Mordor, which I am replaying right now. Ten years old game 😀 The same "kinda upgrade" I've registered with AC Syndicate (finally) and RDR2, although lot of visible graphic artifacts interefere in RDR2. But it definitrly runs much smoother. Turn off ALLM and see for yourself. It is in the screen and video settings. These 4 games I wanted to play in smoother regime and both PS5 and Xbox series X could not make it. PS5 Pro did it for me. And those people endlessly repeating there is no difference should by better TV. I myself have LG Oled C1 83 inches and it does incredible difference btw PS5 and PS5 pro. Cheers.


I say live and let live. People are way too invested in what others do with their time and money. If they enjoy it and find value in it let them be. If you don’t then don’t get one. Live and let live


Well, I did not know any of that 😂 Thank you very much! 🙏🏻 Liked and subscribed.


I had my original PS5 at launch and haven't looked at the settings again until I got the Pro console. Wow did they add a lot! Glad to see this generation is feature rich.


Wow. This video did not disappoint. Amazing all the extra features they hid; I only found 5% of what you identified on my own. Thanks!


Thank you for this very useful video as I recently got rid of all my old xbox stuff and switched to the PS5 Pro, so definitely a little learning curve, lol but it was pretty straight to the point with Tips and Tricks so much appreciate it.


Is the Sony Inzone M10S worth it considering no 4k?


At 58 (me) and 66 (Hubby) we’ve just bought our first ever PlayStation, the Pro being what we’ve chosen, so any help we can find is gratefully accepted! Your tips are really helpful, so I’ll be keeping up with your vids.


Hello. Thx a lot for this useful hints....This will help for my new PS5 PRO. Regards from


Hey, I didn’t realize half the tips you spoke about, thanks man nice work 👍🏻


This was the best ps5 pro tips video I’ve found. Thank you. Liked and subscribed. Can you toggle pssr on and off or is that just a function within a games settings? I’ve not found an option to enable or disable it so I don’t even know if mine is working. Thanks!


You did a great job with this video thank you for breaking everything down.👍🏾


The timestamps have now been manually updated!
