Next.js Role-Based User Authorization & Access Control | Next Auth Protected Routes
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(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome
(00:31) Getting Started
(01:02) Starter Code
(01:54) Options - OAuth profile function
(05:46) Options - Credentials authorize function
(06:41) Persisting the role
(08:52) TypeScript Module Augmentation
(13:47) Middleware - withAuth wrapper
(18:27) Environment variables
(19:41) Trying out the configuration
(23:25) Analyzing the results
(24:16) Component changes
(27:12) Middleware - authorized callback changes
(27:49) Middleware - Role-Based Access Routing
(31:46) Denied page
(32:29) Trying out the new Middleware configuration
📚 Tutorial References:
#nextjs #user #authorization
How to Manage User Roles in NextJS / NodeJS
Role Based Authorization with Next-Auth and Next.js 13
Role Based Authentication and Authorization in React JS. Role Based Access Control in React Node
Next.js Server Component role base access with Supabase
Next.js 13 Role Based Authorization with Middleware & NextAuth
Auth0 in 100 Seconds // And beyond with a Next.js Authentication Tutorial
Authentication Doesn't Get Easier Than This
Managing User Roles - NodeJS Authorization
AuthKit Introduces Permissions for Complete RBAC
Protected Routes In Under 5 Minutes: Next.js
#111 User Roles and Permission | Authentication & Authorization | A Complete NODE JS Course
Next.js 13 jwt authentication protected routes httpOnly cookie with App Directory
Authentication with Next Auth and Next.js 14 | Protected routes, Server & Client Sessions
How to Authorize User Roles and Permissions | Node.js & Express Authorization Tutorial
Role Based Routing in React JS | Role Based Navigation Links | React Router Dom tutorial
Add Middleware to Routes in Next JS | Protected Routes Using Middleware in Next JS
Add Authentication to Next.js in 10 mins with OAuth (Google, Github...)
Securely using JWT on the Edge: Authentication in NextJS Middleware!
Session vs Token Authentication in 100 Seconds
How to Manage Backend JWT Access Tokens in Next Auth and Next.js 13
Adding protected routes in Next (Next-Auth and getServerSideProps)
NestJS Role Based Authorization | RBAC
React JS role based authentication using JSON Server REST API | Handling EDIT DELETE ADD VIEW Access
How To Manage User Roles In Node.js