Felice DiMartino 6.12 2023 CT IANDS

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In 2015, Felice had a profound near-death experience when she was hit by a large truck while crossing the street. Upon returning to her body, her natural inclinations and sensory abilities were heightened.

For the last 40 years, she has been on a Spiritual path, with in-depth exploration of a multitude of teachings from Spiritual Masters and Indigenous Healers. She has participated in intensive trainings and certifications, as a way to direct activated awareness’s and extra sensory attunement, in several Healing modalities including the Akashic Records, Angel Intuitive Guidance, Reiki, Quantum Futuring, Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness and Infinity Healing; a blending of neuroscience technologies and energy medicine.

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Hi Tina,

My name is Darci Turner I personally know your guest Felice DiMartino.

I thought I would reach out to connect to share my experiences of the “other-side” via a spontaneous kundalini awaking that included an OBE and life review same as an NDE that has now left me with the abilities of being psychic, a medium, medical intuitive & trance channel that I now am even being told things coming in the future.

If you’re interested in knowing more please reach out I would love to share.

Thank you!

Darci Turner
