Why I Believe in the Rapture, Questions and Answers with Pastor Robert Furrow

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Join us for our Q&A, Truth Quest Podcast (Episode 221) where you can ask Pastor Robert Furrow from Calvary Chapel Tucson questions from his latest message or about Prophecy, the Bible, or the Christian life. Type your questions in the Comment section, add the word "Question" or "Q," and we will get to them. Thank you!

0:00 Why I believe in the Rapture
24:44 John spoke of a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. If this baptism occurred on Pentecost, were the tongues of fire seen over those folks' head symbolic of what he described or mere coincidence?
27:46 What are your thoughts on the Methodist Church’s stance on gay clergy that just changed?
30:23 Acts 2:17 - Will only the Jews have visions and dreams? And will this be only in the tribulation time?
35:50 I was baptized Mormon when I was 9. I am no longer Mormon. I want to get re-baptized but have seen a video of Mar Mari Emmanuel saying it is unbiblical. What are your thoughts? Can I or should I?
39:13 What will happen to a pregnant woman who is an unbeliever at the rapture? Will her baby be taken up or left behind to make a choice?
40:37 My pastor is post trib and he also believes that the white horse of the 4 horsemen is actually representing the Gospel to go and conquer the world. Should I seek another church?
46:28 Why does Mark 6:52 say they hardened their hearts because it wasn’t Jesus’ time to be revealed He’s the Messiah?
50:40 My friend says this sentence a lot, “God told me, God said this.” I sometimes do not believe that. This person can say that in the middle of our conversation. How do I discern that?
53:37 I think the denial of the rapture is a fulfillment of 2 Peter 3:4, what are your thoughts?
57:49 Do you believe “in the twinkling of an eye” is literal as far as how quickly we will be changed?
58:36 Does Oholah and Aholibah in Ezekiel 23 have a double prophesy?
59:27 Follow up - Can you show where the Didache says the rapture/Jesus’ return could happen at any time'?
1:01:03 Why does the spiritual world and the earthly world seem to be so far apart sometimes?
1:01:55 How can I encourage my family to fill their lamps with oil now instead of later?
1:02:49 Is it biblical for women to lead churches, as in being pastors or chaplains?
1:04:45 In Daniel 9:27, Isn’t it God who strengthens a covenant with many? If some think that’s the antichrist, when did he make a covenant with them to strengthen?
1:09:44 How do the Jewish population see all that is happening around them and Israel, yet don't consider how this is unfolding exactly as Revelation describes? Surely someone's noticed Gog?
1:11:13 Is it possible the UNRWA funding Hamas move us a bit closer to One World times?
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Does GOD speak to you?

Yes he does it is important to pray, medication and seek the guidelines the Holy Trinity has laid out for us in the bible.

There along with a bible based church such as Calvary chapel Tucson, and a blessed Teacher such as Pastor Robert Furrow, who I love trust as my brother in Christ.

A Teacher who God has blessed and in this blessings we grow as a community of Christians.

Know this God is love.

He is Coming





Excellent teachings, Pastor Furrow. Really appreciate all the time you spend teaching the Word of God and answering questions too. God bless you.


Are we still blessed with this Q & A or has it stopped? Please tell me we're just on a break.


The timing of Gods wrath is key, I go to a Calvary chapel, and am in the minority in seeing a pre-wrath vs pre-trib, both are similar, the main difference is the timing of God’s wrath. The core-trib sees wrath beginning at seal one, I see it starting at seal 6


You must of seen the Joe Schimmel videos that I’ve seen where he states his case against a pre-trib rapture. He makes a very strong case and truthfully speaking, I’m still on the fence. I go back and forth because there are strong arguments either way, but whenever I hear you speak on this topic you seem to get me grounded again and I do hope for a pre-trib rapture, I really do.


Why not believe in the rapture? Once an individual gives up their critical thinking skills and falls for the God delusion OF COURSE they can and will BELIEVE anything at all.


The "Rapture" is a false teaching. People are misinterpreting 1. Thess. 4 : 13-17. and other Scripture that is supposed to support the rapture.
Also the true Church established by Christ in 33 AD will remain on earth. to suffer the trials and persecutions it must suffer before it can be perfected at Christ's Second Coming.Until that day, the Church progresses on her pilgrimage amidst this world's persecutions and God's consolations. Here below she knows that she is in exile far from the Lord and longs for the full coming of the Kingdom when she will be united in glory with her King. The Church and through her the world, will not be perfected in glory without great trials.

Before Christ's Second Coming, the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth, will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems, at the price of apostasy from the truth. This supreme deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself, in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh
This is why the Church must stay on earth during the tribulation.

The return of Christ at any moment refers to the Second Coming, not the rapture.
Of course you would say the "whole Darby thing is make believe".
Darby began to teach that the Church would need to be "silently" removed from the earth in order to make way for the completion of God's dealings with the Jews. He named this secret removal of the Church the "Rapture". This belief was something completely new in Christianity. No previous Christian either Catholic or Protestant had ever proposed or taught such a thing.


First, you are wrong. I tell you why here is the answer 1 Thessalonians chapter 4.14 for if we believe that Jesus died? And rose again even God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus. So, how can Jesus bring with him those who are asleep in the Graves? Verse 15. Will by no means precede those who are asleep. So 15 also says that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord? To find the answer, we must turn to the Book of Revelation chapter 11.11 after 3 and a half days the breath of God enters them, and they stood on their feet verse 12 they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them come up here chapter 7 verse 13 and 14 who are those in white robes?those are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation. No, they are not Enoch or Elijah they both died. I can prove that, too, the 144000 are all Christians, nothing else, two sets of end times Christians


$$$$ is why you “believe” in the Rapture.
