Why I Stopped Being Vegan... (9 Years On A Vegan Diet)

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Hey guys, so today's a big video... I'm no longer vegan. I spent 9+ years on a plant based diet, and it was a big decision to leave the lifestyle, to say the least. Sharing my experience on why I am no longer eating a vegan diet and how the transition healed me in many ways. Women!! Watch this. I provide other videos below that you can check out as well.

0:00 – Introduction
1:16 – Why I became vegan
7:10 – When I started to have problems (dizziness, vertigo, heart palpitations, breathing issues, allergies, headaches, pelvic pain, hormonal imbalance, extreme fatigue, brain fog, vision issues)
14:33 – Trying a hardcore cleanse & almost giving up
16:38 – Transitioning out of veganism
19:54 – When my body started healing
21:45 – Adrenal fatigue from veganism & recovery
24:25 – Bioavailability of nutrients from plants v. animals
25:06 – Eating grass-fed, hormone free, and free range
27:33 – Gaining weight and building strength
29:07 – Seeking help
29:57 – Animal ethics & restorative farming
31:12 – Come say hi
Other videos to watch:


#WhyIStoppedBeingVegan #QuittingVeganism #ExVeganEatsMeat #NoLongerVegan
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A few years ago this video would have been blasted by vegan fanatics in a desperate attempt to make you look like an outlier. Many are slowly starting to learn that they were lied to about the health claims and the sustainability of the vegan diet. Glad you are feeling better.


That horrendously lonely feeling during end stage veganism when you feel like your body and life is breaking down, while you watch all your loved ones happily living their lives, wondering what is wrong with you. Only long term vegans can understand. I wish you nothing but the best health and recovery. I’m 2 years ex vegan (after 7 yrs veg then 7yrs vegan) and still very much in recovery. It is a long process but your body wants to heal and build up its reserves ❤️‍🩹


A couple years ago, not vegan or vegetarian, but I was trying to lose weight and eat healthier. So I started eating a ton more leafy greens and green veggies (Kale, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, green beans, broccoli, arugula, and cabbage). A year later I got a kidney stone, turns out my body type doesn't process calcium well and I can't eat most green veggies anymore because my kidneys can't process them very well.

Conversely, my body deals very well with high protein and fat, in fact I have low cholesterol despite having a large amount of meat in my diet.

The moral of the story, everybody's body is different and no diet/lifestyle works for everyone.


I watched this video 8 months ago. I was having the same symptoms after 3 years of veganism. Your video helped me to realize that im not crazy. I feel incredibly healthy now, by comparison. Thank you for sharing!


Our stories are so similar. Just started ancestral eating and my symptoms have been flared since and I believe it's from the damage of being plant-based for 4 years with a combo of some other other gut health issues. This video gives me hope to heal! Thank you 💖


I also had to give up plant based. It destroys your mental health in my experience and my digestion was going to crap. I had so many "sensitivities" being plant based.


As an ex vegan myself I can only encourage you to gain health back. Take care


This is sadly quite common with long term, strict veganism (ex vegan/raw vegan here). I had a very similar experience; felt great on raw vegan for a month and then felt like crap. My body *loved* getting rid of all the SAD (standard American diet) food... but it couldn't handle all the carbs, and the lack of animal fat and protein. Congratulations for getting your health back on track. Peace.


This sounds so much like my story. I started having horrible digestive and nerve issues like twitching and spasms, and chronic shooting pain. No dr could tell me why. I had multiple blood tests, abdominal ultra sound, an upper endoscopy, etc. I was dizzy, lightheaded, and in pain everyday for months. I couldn't eat anything and lost so much weight. My heart would pound in my ears constantly. My blood pressure was super high. I was having panic attacks almost everyday. I called an ambulance 3 times, and went to the ER at least twice as many times

Idk what it was that made me start to think it might be veganism. It didn't even occur to me for awhile. But when i did, i watched a bunch of videos of other people who quit being vegan. I went all in and ate nothing but animal foods and a little bit of fruit. Lots of dairy, eggs, and beef. A couple months went by and i just realized one day that i felt so much better. It was so gradual I didn't notice it happening


Congratulations, Krystle.
I'm from Brazil and graduating in nutrition. I feel there's a conspiration to weakening people through veganism and other ideological practices contrary to our ancestral evolution. I hope you regain all the health you deserve to have. ❤️🇧🇷


SO glad you are posting this! SO important for people to see. I recently listened to a M.D. speak about why people feel so good the first few months being vegan then years later feel terrible. He explained that when you stop eating animal protein and fat your thyroid starts to go into protective mode. It pumps out hormones to keep you feeling energetic because you aren't ingesting any. Eventually the thyroid begins to fail and we start to become cold and tired vegans. Remember when Freelee used to wear cut off gloves all the time because she was cold...IN THE JUNGLE!


I was Vegan for 8 years, now I eat organic eggs and occasionally something with dairy, I feel liberated, honestly. Still no meat though, Vegetarian my entire life aside from the 8 years Vegan. 💖


Also been vegan for 9 years and been struggling with the idea of coming off of it. But I think it might be time. I still want to make sure I eat very clean, no processed foods. I think at the end of the day that is what it is all about. Eating clean by cutting out the junk. I am active and I just have not seen the gains that I feel like I should be having and I have been supplementing with protein powders and such for awhile now. Thank you so much for this video. Would love to see a follow up if you haven't done one yet.


I'm a carnivore, but agree with vegans. I love animals and think that the ranching industry needs to be more ethical to the animals.


OMG, you just explained all my issues that I had for last 6 months. We had exactly the same simptoms. I also ended up having hert oblation 3 months ago. I would love talking to you about this. Good luck with everything and much of love!


My name is Alicia (this is my hubby’s account lol) but, I’m a fan of yours. Thank you for sharing your story with us ❤️ I’m so happy you are on the road to recovery. You are an amazing strong person. You do what is best for you no matter what anyone says. I’m so proud of you!


This video made me decide to finally let go of being so hard pressed to hold onto my title, and care about my health. Watching your video was like listening to myself talk..your story, is my story. Replace your sweet doggo, with a relationship ending though for me, it was very traumatic for me and sent me spiraling, eventually the dizziness came on 24/7 along with heart palps, crushing anxiety, ER visits, going to every specialist only to be told I was “fine” and “just anxious” went to an eye specialist and got special lenses..nothing helped. After some encouragement from family, and seeing this video I made up my mind this past Monday (on my 5 year vegan anniversary) to start eating salmon and eggs again, I already am feeling a slight difference, and am excited to get on the right track again with my health and having my life back!


It was hard as your friend to see you deal with all those ailments last year, I'm SO happy you're finding balance and healing!! ❤❤


So happy to see how supportive the comments are :) glad theres much less animosity against ex-vegans.

Was vegan for 2.5 years and hit rock bottom last week. Developed, like you, horrid neurological issues and caused massive flare ups of rheumatoid arthritis. Also started with reintroducing salmon. Feeling SOOO much better.

Thanks for sharing!


I was a vegetarian for over 3 months. I really wanted to stop eating meat entirely after watching certain documentry which shows how farm animals are treated ( couldn't sleep two nights after watching this, and decided at that point I will never eat meat again).
After 3 months of not eating meat at all, I got so weak I couldn't perform basic excercise. Normally I do HIIT couple times a week, I am quite strong and have normally very high stamina, I hike for hours.
After I noticed these effects, I decided I can't sustain this diet for any longer.
Now I eat small amount of meat, mostly fish and sea food, some chicken. I don't eat beef and pork at all. And I am back to normal.
