The Biggest Lie Told By All Preppers!

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Notice: The opinions expressed in this video are those of the author and do not imply or convey any endorsement by the Department of Defense or the United States government. Additionally, this video was recorded and uploaded during off duty hours and did not utilize any government resources or facilities.
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I listened to a book called, "When Money Dies"...About Weimar Germany after WW1 during the 20s. Governments have always loved printing money from nothing.


There’s a book I read about an architect that lived through the collapse that happened in Argentina and his insight/ personal experience really opened my eyes. So much of what we plan for isn’t in reality what will happen.


Worst case scenario total nuclear war and living underground for generations


I think the highest likelihood is that we DO NOT have an actual 'grid-down SHTF' situation in our lifetimes.

But if we do experience 'shtf': it will more than likely be a slow-grind into it, and we'll be like frogs in water that's slowly being brought to a boil.... we'll grow used to it and accept it as the new way of life.

Good video BTW.


ha I knew what you were going to say before you even said it, and I totally agree.

The most common thing I see in my comments is "..when SHTF..." as if there is always (or even probably) going to be a sudden, identifiable event or short transition with clear before/after differences

Great video as usual sir. 👍


I set a priority in order of likely events to prep for. 1: Massive forest fire. 2: Tornado / Earthquake. 3: Massive snow storm. 4: Food chain disruption. 5: Rationing Fuel 6: Financial Co-laps. 7: EMP / CME / NBC. 8: Chihuahua zombies.


good advice. i have had hurricanes and wildfires test my preps. waiting for them locust swarms....


Real sensible video. Not an approach I've seen others look at in such succinct fashion.


Thanks your idea of what’s to come is more realistic that a lot of others that just think mad max style


Since I live in Florida, hurricanes are the first event I prepare for. Michael was an excellent training tool. Showed me clearly where some gaps were in my preps. It was an excellent example of what a mess life could be for a looonnngggg time. I knew people who were out in the country and they were out of power and water for over a month. Michael happened in 2018. People are still trying to get their lives and houses put back together. They are still building Tyndall AFB back. So even relatively "small" local events WILL have a long-term effect! Other weather events include tornados, fires, lightening/ thunderstorms. I know I need to prep on all areas to truly be prepared just for daily life. I don't expect a SHTF event, it's the daily events that are going to do most of us in, the daily stuff that we know about and don't do anything about. I'm always amazed at the lines for gas, plywood and groceries right before a hurricane. It makes so much more sense to me to buy a little extra every month so I can avoid the crazy that comes before every storm.


J.J. i think that it will be a gradual event AND ITS ALREADY BEGUN. if the population would simply put down their tablets, phones and THINK about okay no power grid down the first thing I personally did was how will i be able to see so on the small scale seeing as i don't have a lot of money was flashlights, batteries, lanterns, candles, already have a generator. Next was alternative means of cooking. Built a couple of rocket stoves and turned my attention to water . Storage, and purification of it so i made my own version of a berkey water filtration system. I pick up heat treated pallets from construction sites and leftover lumber i treat with linseed oil and i build things. I dont fear about things unfolding but the only thing i find is that people are just lazy, with the "you do it " attitude and I will pay you (sometimes) .i work seasonally and i store up food, water, and meds. With no poweryou still have to eat, drink, and poop so i am building a compost toilet and a hoop house or cattle panel green house to keep my plants out of the intensive heat. Our society is way too disposable and now with all the GMO and Biochemical engineered food it concerns me but i grow most of my own and rarely do i dine out. As i build or go purchase the plugs for the incoming sewage to have in place to prevent backup i think basically people just dont think and thats all. However many are awakening from a long slubber sleep and are starting to prepare because of the high prices .I can't predict the future but i pray about it and today is the first day of the rest of my life so keep it moving a little goes a long way.😊


This seems obvious to me, and it can vary from place to place and many things can start the fall of the first "domino". The regime is throwing so much at us all at once - my thing is I am so tired of it all, which in itself is what they are hoping for


Well... if you pick some of the worst scenarios. They usually cover all of the basics. There are preps that are necessary for all events.


Hey JJ, this is a realistic approach and definitely this most misunderstood mindset of most Preppers. From the onset of our lifestyle change, everything was based on a self-sufficient lifestyle and independent self-reliant independence. It all started with additional food and water. Next was a property that provided an opportunity to have land for gardening and raising animals. Also, the ability for wood heat and an abundance of wildlife. 8 years ago, we moved to our 11 acres, and the adventure began. We now live in abundance with a thriving homestead with a 10, 000 sf garden. 3 water sources
laying hens, 2 wood burning stoves, 5 years worth of firewood. Fruit and nut trees, strawberries, black berries, and an abundance of wildlife.
We prepare for all scenarios, but don't dwell on the negative aspects that can potentially happen. A gradually decreasing quality of life. I do believe a grid down scenario is our most probable cause for civil unrest and the most dangerous thing to survive in.
The threat of biological and nuclear war is ever present and will continue to escalate and should be part of everyones understanding and preparation.
Food, water, medicine and safe shelter will always be the most important aspects of survival.
The nuances that accompany them are almost endless.
Mental stability and the ability to adapt to any situation will the advantage everyone will need to survive.
Being well prepared definitely doesn't mean you will fare well when disaster strikes. It does, however, give you better odds than people that haven't prepared.
It's easy to get wrapped up in all the hype and misinformation. I spend less time watching YouTube and way more time doing what needs to be done.
Thanks JJ


It will develop gradually, and then suddenly. There are certain things that could develop suddenly, but right now most of those possibilities are relatively distant.


I don’t think about being prepared for a single thing or specific scenario, I prepare for everything I can think of. I believe preparedness comes down to logic and common sense. Like you said, start with the basics and foundation and build on that. Health and money being the first to focus on.


If you had left the US 4 years ago and just came back today, you'd think SHTF already happened. It's been getting worse and worse, month after month since 2020. I think we're already in the middle of it man.


agree! preparedness necessity varies for each person and location. some people are buying gadgets for situations that may never happen to them but have no knowledge about what to do during a fire in the home or basic procedure with a vehicle emergency or a medical kit. learn the steps to purify water - find the method you can do easily. Here's something to jot down: Food in a refrigerator should last up to three days providing it is opened rarely. The foods which would go bad more quickly would still be OK for 24 hours. In a freezer, food will remain frozen for 2-3 days and edible for 2-3 days past that. Keep the doors closed. regards


I started as a hobby prepper, but prepping is a time line solution dependent on the supermarket lol, My focus and investment went on food production, today I produce thousands of pounds of food a year. I prepare for hurricane season and economic collapse, these 2 cover everything else.


It is a slow burn! SHTF will be different for many. For most a job loss will be the biggest SHTF. Definitely make prepping a life style. Learn the difference between a want & a need. Then live below your means!
