What to expect after one month of Braces Treatment i

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#Signs #You#Need#Braces
Teeth that meet abnormally or not at all. Jaws and teeth are out of proportion to the rest of the face. Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth. ... Jaw shifting or making sounds, which could signify a developmental issue with your teeth and jawline.

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I’m a 58 yr old Englishman who got braces for the first time ever on 08/11/23 mainly to deal with my worsening deep bite (my teeth are fairly straight albeit with very minor crowding on the lower front and right hand premolars and molars have tilted in slighted leading to the increased deep bite). I have not had any pain or even sensitivity from my teeth (cut up cheeks for the first two weeks are another matter) despite, unusually, a powerchain being fitted to my lower teeth right from the first fitting appt. However, I can’t see much if any movement of my teeth in the three weeks since my braces were fitted. Maybe, because I’ve not had any pain at all, a thicker wire could have been used from the start?


I’m a 58 yr old Englishman who got braces for the first time ever on 08/11/23 mainly to deal with my worsening deep bite (my teeth are fairly straight albeit with very minor crowding on the lower front and right hand premolars and molars have tilted in slighted leading to the increased deep bite). I have not had any pain or even sensitivity from my teeth (cut up cheeks for the first two weeks are another matter) despite, unusually, a powerchain being fitted to my lower teeth right from the first fitting appt. However, I can’t see much if any movement of my teeth in the three weeks since my braces were fitted. Maybe, because I’ve not had any pain at all, a thicker wire could have been used from the start?
