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La complicidad de pasear por la playa, juntas, como siempre hemos hecho. Arrancarse con un baile o una copla, quizá incluso hacer los coros del último hit. Venirse arriba. Arroparse con un abrazo y con tantas prendas compartidas, ¡ese vestido que es de todas!

Volver a la raíces para celebrar todo esto, donde te espera Hoss Intropia.

Siente la magia de volver.

w/ Olivia, Ángela y María Molina

#HossIntropia #HiRaices

The complicity of walking along the beach, together, as we have always done. To start up with a dance or a copla, maybe even do the chorus of the latest hit. To come up to each other. Tuck in with a hug and with so many shared garments, that dress that belongs to all of us!

Go back to the roots to celebrate all this, where Hoss Intropia awaits you.

Feel the magic of going back.

w/ Olivia, Angela and Maria Molina.

#HossIntropia #HiRaices
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