Someone Said 'Merry Christmas' to Me

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Someone Said "Merry Christmas" to Me

And then I said, "You too," because it's not a big deal, I'm not a jerk, and the world doesn't revolve around me.

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Every atheist I know says Merry Christmas. This thing has been blown WAY out of proportion.


I used to be Muslim and celebrated Christmas (with tree, gifts and food). Now I am an Atheist and still do it, My atheist friends also do it, even with a Jesus crib! No harm in celebrating Christian mythology, any excuse to eat delicious food and exchange gifts is good :D


I think is better that us Atheists say Merry Christmas, it completely gets rid of the idea that Christmas is an exlcusive religious holiday.


Someone said "Hi" to me and I was like, "OMG I'm so offended. Don't be takin the 'Hell' out of 'Hello.' Hail Satan."


Agreed... and easy to do when there are many more areas in which to make a point.


I say You too also...especially when I'm at work. lol...don't wanna get in trouble.


i'm an atheistand i celebrate cristmas, not because of religion though. I celebrate to celebrate, have fun with family, etc. Christmas is not about the birth of Jesus christ to me.
And BTW, if anyone ask me what the purpose is without god, i usually ask why the fuck they say Monday, Tuesday, Wedsnday, Thursday, Friday, saturday and sunday. at least in my country(Norway), they are named after north mytology, so if you believe in the bible, you shouldn't use them if i should not use christmas.


I'm an atheist and I gladly say merry Christmas to everyone. I have Muslim friends, Jewish friends, and buddhist friends that all have no problem with saying merry christmas. To me, Christmas is no longer a religious holiday, it's a part of the western, American culture, it's a holiday about giving, sharing, and loving. Merry Christmas everyone, whether you celebrate it or not! :)


I personally dislike Christmas, not because of the religious aspects of it, not because I hate the happiness and joy, not because I hate the songs (though I do). I hate the fact that people need an excuse to come together and show their appreciation for another.

I think this should not be a "hey, lets do this once per year" activity, but rather a passive "hey, lets do this every day" activity.
Of course I get that you can't make it a party like it is now, but you can still do that regardless. I simply think that "the spirit of Christmas" and "the message", should be a common practice, not an event.


I still say Merry Christmas and I am to an Atheist!


ohhhh guess what? I'm an atheist and I actually tell people Merry Christmas, because I'm an American and just about everyone I know celebrates got some Jewish friends. a couple weeks ago, I said Happy Chanukah, also got some pagan friends and I said Blessed Yule....because I'm an American and I'm versatile like that. Happy Holidays everyone! ;)


Hahaha very funny, Hemant! The best thing that happened to me one Christmas Eve afternoon, a little girl said “merry Christmas” to me as I entered to get my lunch. It was the most sweetest thing ever!


As a Christian I think that this is a very smart and intelligent man. He’s a prime example of why all religions should get along! If someone say “Happy Chanukah” or or “Happy Yule” I don’t mind, and I say it right back!


Merry Christmas! I actually say that, not because I "celebrate the birth of Jesus" it's because it's about being kind and spending time with family and friends.


It doesn't piss me off, but sometimes to be funny I'll say "Happy Hanukah"


Merry Christmas dude, Thank You for all the great videos you have given us this year


Working in retail i've said all the above... but the thing i find funny is (old man type talk warning) back in the day saying happy holidays wasn't even trying to be inclusive of people, most i knew that said that phrase meant more Merry christmas happy new year and since i am stuck working in retail and are sure not to see you in between those have a great both of them


I even say Merry Christmas!! Every time!! I'm sure even Richard Dawkins says it sometimes, at least


I love this! Over the holiday i was travelling and got to eat at a local food chain from my hone town. when i got done, i left an extra large tip for the staff and said merry christmas.
It is a cultural time of good wwill and has nothing to do with belief - or my personal lack there of.


it says 30 seconds on the subscription feed, but 28 seconds here...
