The NEXAT combine

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I looked at it during the show too, I’m skeptical - large open fields it might make sense but for us with hilly rolling fields and at times sketchy access from the road I don’t see an advantage. Also, that movable cab might be cool up to the point that something breaks and you’re stuck at some weird position. Also don’t like that your stuck with just the implements they offer, having more choices is better.

For now I’m going to file this one under “gimmicky idea that might or might not pan out long term”


It's an innovative design, no argument. I'm interested in seeing this particular design mature. It's very much a work in progress. There's something to be said about putting all your eggs in one basket, for sure. So when it does go RTM, outside of performance on different terrain, there's going to be questions about support.


It’s a nice design but if it goes down then you would have to have another one to finish what you are doing. It not like you can hook any tractor to it implements and keep working til it’s running again


With all attachments it costs 2.3 million dollars. Not to mention how ridiculous it probably costs to repair anything on the machine. Sorry it's cool and all but when it takes half an hour to switch implements when it takes less then 4 minutes to switch implements on a conventional tractor that's not very impressive. And when it takes 15 minutes to go into road operating mode and it takes maybe 5-10 mins to unhook a conventional combine header and re attach it takes about the same time it's just kinda pointless. Cool but pointless and any farmer who buys one is either really dumb or just trying to be cool or different and doesn't care about actual profit or business stability.


Net gin technology for the big farmers😮😮😮😅😅😅😅


So when is one coming to your farm on trial? Perhaps we can let BJ drive it.! lol


No thanks. If the 790 goes down, I can hop in the other, if that one goes down, jd can have me a rental to the shop in under a few hours. I doubt that can happen with nexat.
