Do You Call Them Out on Dodgy Rules? Resolving Mispays in Warhammer 40K

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Let's talk about pushing back on people getting rules wrong in 40K, why it might happen and how best to push back...

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0:00 Intro
0:28 Reasons for Misplays
3:17 Check the Rules
5:08 Third Parties
7:14 How Much is Too Much?
9:00 Other Options + Thoughts
11:42 Mistake or Malice?
12:56 Outro
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I do sometimes ask if someone is sure about a rule, and ask nicely if I can see it - mainly because I struggle to get the rules right myself. When someone lets me know I've got a rule wrong, I welcome it, its all a learning experience after all.


Flip table, walk out like you won the tournament


Here’s how it goes at my store

“I think this is how it works.”

“Oh god, sorry.”

Sometimes we check the rulebook

My store is chill


Having played for 5 editions, keeping the rules straight is simply impossible. Every game is a learning experience, and we usually spend most games with our faces in rulebooks trying to figure out exactly how the rules are meant to work.
When someone inevitably gets something wrong we treat it as an opportunity to learn how to do it right.


I generally start every game with inviting my opponent to query anything I do, as well as providing open access to all rules to my army. I find that if I demonstrate a little humility to start with people tend react better when you query something with there force 9/10.


I’ve played games where I help my opponent with their rules, even to my negative. One time I played with a guy who was running Space Marines and I reminded him of his Oath of Moment, and his Doctrine once or twice. I was playing Necrons and forgot to reanimate a unit in the Command Phase because they were behind terrain on his side. I had moved a unit and asked if I could fix that issue.

He said no and that I need to remember my stuff.

I went full aggro for the rest of that game. Didn’t care if he was kinda new. Courtesy goes both ways and has to be learned early, otherwise you get ‘That Guy’s at your game store.


One thing I find very helpful, and it sounds silly to say, but before you even roll an attack, declare every step of that attack and any modifiers outloud so you and your opponent can keep track. ie, "My Stealth suits are guiding my Riptide into your Wardens, plus one to hit on 4's going down to 3's, 6 shots overcharged on 3's, ignores cover because of Stealth suit marker light, taking a hazardous because overcharge. strength 8." Saying it outloud and quickly looking at the data sheet really helps. It sounds silly and super obvious, but makes a huge difference. So many times i thought I had my sheet memorized and missed things that would have really helped me.


Recent tip I've come into is using those plastic 12inch flexible rulers for vehicle movement around buildings, makes it way less dodgy and far far more consistent!


I've done this more than I've seen it. It's so easy to mess up reading a single sentence. I don't get upset if a misreading happens anymore. It's a very complex game.


Had a situation around this time last year where a friend and I were at a AoS doubles tournament. Neither of us had played 3rd edition prior to the tournament and we'd just gone to have a laugh and play with out painted models, somehow by round 4 we ended up in 3rd place of 40 teams on table 2 just by our armies being fast and fighty, at this moment we realised we were massively out of our depth as its just a whole other style of game at that level and were pretty convincingly trounced, however there were a few oddities in rolls and such that we picked up on (flamers scoring more hits than they had shots) we brought this up at the end and to their credit the guy opposite looked genuinely sorry (he'd been adding a buff from an exalted flamer before he'd summoned it then added it twice after) they offered us a draw as recompense, but we reasoned that a draw kept us at the top tables and in a manner of game we didn't really want, so offered to ignore it and they instead offered us a pint from Bugmans (top tables are right by the doors to the bar and there was 30 minutes left in the round).
Next round we were on table 7 by happenstance that guy tried cheating actively (added abilities he didn't have to a unit) but we won anyway, just got in a big fight in the centre as is our way.


I'm very invested in playing a correct game for myself and an opponent. I'm pretty upfront on calling what sounds not right and encouraging the same be done to me(politely). I think it makes better games and improves me as a player.


I have a friend that will argue with me about the rules for a long time by just repeating what he said over and over, louder each time. He’s only been right about half of the time, but he has this attitude because I’m newer to the game. At this point it’s too much of a chore to play with him.


Call out if you think they might be misplaying a rule, yes; but by the same token make sure you also remind them if they are forgetting about a re-roll ability or a stratagem they used etc. If you are only doing it the times it might benefit you, that's when you become That Guy.


I specifically remember one person I used to play warhammer on tabletop simulator claiming what one of their Eldar upgrades let them "Re-roll a re-roll"

The same person brought an army of Harlequins when I played my first ever game of warhammer with them, so I guess I should've seen that coming


Thanks to being highly involved in the game, and listening to podcasts all day, it helps me learn what i need to know.

Sure, i call them out. But im like "thats not how i understood it, can i please see it" and that usually works


We play house limit 3 do overs if ya forgot somthing in command or in movement or ya forgot to shoot a unit thats hidden and you cannot see it easily but you cannot have a do over if it means bringing back a fill unit or changes the game around only on useful stuff that ya forgot to pull off and only if both of us agree to it


If you feel like something’s off just ask. If you’re at a a tournament with clocks it will be on your time but there is almost no downside to learning/clarifying rules in a casual setting for both parties involved… and if you’re playing against a consistent cheater you get to learn who not to waste your valuable hobby time with ever again


-If you play with friends that use different armies, it's good to ask them if they want to exchange/lend their codexes for some time, that way you can study their rules while they study yours or even more, you play their army and they play yours . It was a common practice back in the "stone" age.
-Anyhow, I always try to learn every army rules, it's a habbit from my WFB times, and helps you, not only against being bamboozled, but also to figure out strengths and weaknesses in different armies and how to deal with them.
-People make mistakes and if something is unclear, don't be afraid to ask if the other person can show you the rules, most people won't have problem with that.


Some time ago i shot with a 18° weapon at 23° range by overwatch. Has the effect need you to be at 24° and visible. We didnt find out if i could after 1h but it was interesting


@auspex tactics: i had a quick look through the comments and couldn't see anyone pointing out the slight typo on the video title. Wanted to let you know.
