Final Boss Theme - Minesweeper

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Minesweeper Final Boss Theme
Original by @energypumpkin2054
Remix by Jorel

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I've had many people requesting that this song be put on Spotify. So, good news! This song is now on Spotify!

And now it's on SoundCloud too!

And there's also a short version on Newgrounds!


You click on the board as it reveals a nine. You think it will be easy as you start to realise there are only eight fields around that nine. You question yourself where the ninth mine is as it slowly starts to dawn on you. There is no ninth field around that nine and there is neither a sight of a three dimensional field. And suddenly you feel a shiver down your spine as you realise that that ninth mine cannot be found anywhere. The ninth mine is not on that field nor is it in the game at all, but the ninth mine is somewhere else. You get the chills as you look around confused and catch a glimpse of it in the corner of your eye. It never was on the board nor in the game to start with, but all that time it was somewhere else and that somewhere else is right behind you.


Wait, how is that possible? It should only-
Oh, okay. Must've just been a visual glitch or something.


"But where is the ninth bomb?" you ask yourself, not yet understanding the severity of your predicament

And then it dawns on you: you just dug up a bomb with a timer.


Finding a 9 in Minesweeper wouldn't be that bad because you also know exactly what is in all of the adjacent spaces. Just flag all 8 spaces around it and... Wait...


"It appears you have found a unique mine."

"If you are wondering why it's a 9 rather than an 8, it's because the 9 itself is an actual mine surrounded by 8 others."

"Worry not, it's a special type of mine called a 'pressure weighted mine'. Clicking on it once won't detonate it, but be sure to keep your cursor on it, unless you want to find yourself in several pieces."

"Although, it seems to be an old model, so you could move away from it for a few seconds. All in all, it's practically the same procedure as normal. Good luck, and I'll be damned if you'd even make it out of it alive."


“ Oh ho ho, your approaching me? “
“ I can’t defuse you if I don’t get close… “


I just imagined the 9 tile slowly becoming a mine itself


The X button has turned to a mine: you cannot flee this battle.


I can just imagine the giant smiley face looming over you with a look of burning spite burrowed within it's eyes, as the tiles around you break from the main grid and float around the game's master. You've seen his face so many times but never stopped to think he'd have total control over this plane. Your hope dwindles as the numbers flow through and overwhelm your feeble human mind. What you thought was a simple numbers game had grown into a vessel of torture for you. Just as your mind began to race you heard it speak.
"One. Two. Three. Four."
Confusion struck you, knowing you'd seen these numbers but never considered their value to the face before you.
"Six. Seven. Eight. Nine."
Your mind raced to a conclusion, your ability to overwhelm the boards with ease made you a perfect candidate for the ultimate test.
Your final stand.


0:23 when you're in a tutorial exploring but then you find the final boss on accident


9? but there's only 8 spaces around it. that math just doesn't work, I-
oh, it's just an 8. I just misread it, thank god, that was really fucking with me... why is it a 7? it was an 8 just now, I'm sure of it. mistaking a 8 for a 9 is an understandable mistake, a 9 is just an open 8. but 7? you couldn't mistake 7 for 8. they're entirely different in appearance. I wouldn't have made that mistake, the numbers had to have ch-
oh. it's 6 now. it is changing. but why? it's not like the mines move around, they're mines. it's 5 now. it's getting lower. statistically, if it was the mines moving, they would all move at a similar time. the number would radically fluctuate. it might even go up if a mine comes back. even with moving mines, that still doesn't explain why it started with 9. with perfect setup, the best you could do is 8. there would have to be a mine on the square, but if that were the case, it would've exploded. I can't click another space either, usually that only happens when the game ends and the reset button pops up. it's down to 2 now. it's pretty clear it's counting down to something, but what would it be counting down to? it's 1 now. i gotta think quicker. I've only got a second left. what do countdowns have to do with bomb-
oh. oh n-


This sounds like a Touhou song.

Now I can't help but imagine like a dragon or twink made entirely out of mines.


unironically such a banger, hope your talents are put to good use in the future


Finally the theme we ever want to hear when playing minesweeper a fun time! It may make it difficult, but at least it will be fun.


You have beaten the final boss. and it's in it's CHAOS mode. run


"Nine mines? Easy."

"Just click all space around them."

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8"

"That was eas- wait..."


i cant believe how much attention this little game i made in like 3 days is getting.

(btw i heard the megalovania leitmotif at 1:16)


The true final boss in war

Flying spider holding 2 Gatling guns


"You've come onto my space, You disarmed my mines, You exploded the neighborhood near me. You will deal with the mines that will sweep you into NINE UNIVERSES!"
