AWS EC2 Instance Storage

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Let's talk about AWS EC2 Instance Storage. instance store provides temporary block-level storage for your instance. Join our AWS free Masterclass to know more about AWS EC2 Store.

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides modifiable, secure cloud computing capacity. It is designed to make it easier for developers to use cloud computing at the scale of the Web. Amazon EC2 is AWS's primary service for providing computing to customers. The instance type defines the virtual hardware that the instance supports. The available instance types vary in vCPU, memory storage, and network performance to address almost any workload. An AMI (Amazon Machine Image) defines the initial state of the instance software, both the operating system and the applications .

There are four AMI sources: AWS Publishing, AWS Market Partner Published AMI with pre-installed software packages, Customer-generated AMIs from existing Amazon EC2 instances, and AMIs uploaded from virtual servers. Instances can be addressed by public DNS name , public IP address, or elastic IP address . To access a Linux instance you can use the key-pairs created in the AWS console and connect to the instance through SSH. To access a newly created instance of Windows, you must also use the key-pairs to decrypt the randomly created local administrator password. Network traffic inside and outside an instance can be controlled by a virtual firewall called a security group.

A security group allows rules that block traffic based on address, port, protocol, and source / destination address. Bootstrapping allows you to run a script to initialize your instance with operating system applications and configurations . This feature allows instances to be configured on startup. Once an instance is started, you can change its instance type or, for Amazon VPC instances, the security groups with which it is associated. The three pricing options for instances are On-Demand, Instance Reserved and Spot . On-Demand has the highest cost per hour, which does not require an advance commitment and gives you full control over the duration of the instance.

The Reserved Instances require commitment and provide a reduced overall cost over the duration of the reservation. Spot instances are idle computing capacity that AWS makes available based on customer offer prices . The cost savings per hour can be significant, but instances can be closed when the offer price exceeds the customer's current offer . Spot instances are created with block storage which is included in the cost per hour of the instance. The amount and type of storage available varies by instance type. This type of instance should only be used for temporary data or in architectures that provide redundancy, such as Hadoop HDFS, because stopping the installation saves the data. Lastly, it should be mentioned that Amazon EBS provides durable block storage in various types. Magnetic has the lowest cost per gigabyte and offers modest performance. General-purpose SSD (gp) is cost-effective storage that can provide up to 10,000 IOPS . The provided IOPS SSD has the highest cost per gigabyte and is well suited for storage-sensitive I / O-intensive workloads. Next week we'll talk about snapshots of instances, which are nothing more than incremental backups of Amazon EBS volumes stored on Amazon S3 . These Amazon EBS volumes can be encrypted.

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