English articles: a or the, what's the difference, english grammar

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This video will finally help you understand and remember the difference between a and the! The indefinite article and definite acricle are two very confusing concepts in the English language! I have composed a poem to make it easier for you to remember the difference! I also give you some good examples which demostrate the difference and make it crystal clear! Learning English grammar can be fun!
Study English and Russian with Antonia Romaker!

Hey, there! I am Antonia Romaker and I teach two languages on this channel - Russian and English! You can learn both with me or just one, it's up to you! Just keep learning and watching the videos and I will make sure that you enjoy the ride!

Рекомендации по теме

hello mam, long time to see u. firstly Thankyou mam for great explanation! and helpful lesson. ☺🥰it may seem easy to use but a little try😉
some examples related:
office authority must receive 'a' charge for security of documents.
- the legal charge. (definite)
I need a time interval in action movies.
- I need the short time interval in action movies. (definite)
there is a little confusion and the confusion(definite) impact adversely manager's decision. The decision (definite) is in a Favour of young employs. the employs have less experience. (definite)


I have a question
can i use another particle in many cases?


So far, the industry has staved off several bans by mounting legal challenges arguing that they offer game of skill and not those purely dependant on chance ---a tenuous distinction for Do I require a comma (, ) prior to that participle mounting legal challenges, arguing that)
