Students, what is your worst teacher story?😱

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" Students, what is your worst teacher story?😱 I have two. The first takes me back to grade one or two when a classmate named Adam had diabetes. He had a special cell phone that beeped to alert him when his blood sugar levels were too low or too high. This phone connected to a monitor in his arm and had no other uses, no apps or social media, and it wasn't even connected to the school Wi Fi.

One day during class, a substitute teacher noticed Adam's phone on his desk and took it away, citing the school's strict rules. Later during gym class, a teaching assistant entered to check on everyone and immediately recognized that Adam looked unwell. He was pale, sweating, and clearly in distress.

Fortunately, this assistant was familiar with Adam's medical plan and promptly asked him for his phone. Adam explained, looking worried, that the substitute had confiscated it earlier. The assistant lost it on the substitute, demanding the phone back. The situation escalated when the substitute called the principal to complain about the assistant, but the principal quickly reprimanded her for not following Adam's safety plan.

In the end, the substitute was asked to leave for her mistake. My second story involves my substitute teacher. She wanted to check my work on a spreadsheet but accidentally deleted my entire file. I was devastated and Instead of acknowledging her mistake, she started yelling at me, insisting I should've saved more frequently.

I shot back, explaining the real issue was her error. Our exchange grew heated, and my parents were called in to mediate. We ended up shouting for a few minutes, both in tears."
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When you have nothing in the fridge but these videos keep popping up:😭


We have a kid like that at my school he is chill


Once, When i was in Middle school (I'm in college now) one of my friends (Her name is Aviary)had a mental disability, Skitsofrenia.(i don't know if i spelled it wrong 😢) We had a new homeroom teacher and a while into class Aviary's Skitsofrenia kicked in, because i could tell because she was crying and holding her head. The teacher literally slapped her as hard as possible, (leaving a BRUISE ON HER CHEEK)pulled her hair, and threatening to rape her. Aviary got her period, so she could literally get pregnant in 7th grade. That teacher went to jail, and we got another new one.


bro my sub in 4th grade pulled a boys ear all the way to the prinsable


😂😂 i have several. But my BEST one?
6th or 7th grade, cant remember which one because i had this teacher for both.
Well, of course i was the loner who had a friend who was the 'bad boy and class clown' rolled into one. He noticed i was sad that day and started making faces at me during this class. I laughed out loud, a sin in this class. So i was put to stand in front of her podium as was he. About 20 mins in we had a handwritten assignment and were seated doing it. I turned it and sat down. Well my friend was making faces once again to cheer me up and i was giggling. This teacher was like 'you know (blank) with all the giggles youd think youd know how to spell Wednesday'
Finally annoyed with her behavior towards me i quipped back
'i learned it from your mom'
Oooo boy. Had a meeting with her, my mom and counselor.
During the meeting she said 'i thought it was rude of you to say something like that when my mom died'
I looked at her and said
'well i thought it was rude of you to shame and mock me in front of the whole class the way you did and expect me not to react'
Of course i got detention but that teacher never said another word to me the rest of the year.
I did NOT feel bad about saying what i said. She was an ADULT who openly mocked a CHILD.
I said what i said.


When i was in year 6, we had this really mean music teacher who would yell at kids and even hit them occasionally. my friend's older brother was diabetic and he had a phone like the kid in the video and she saw it and confiscated it. he was fine but his parents were pissed and the teacher ended up hitting the head teacher's kid with a clarinet and got fired.


I have a friend at school with diabetes called Adam 😂
