Spider Lily Crinum asiaticum

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This crinum lily makes an imposing presence in the garden. Dark green strap-like leaves may be more than 3 feet long by 4 inches wide.
Uses: For Palau: “Root is crushed and applied to a bruise, then wrapped with a leaf of the plant” (Okabe, 1988). For Yap: The shining white basal part of the leaves of Guyab is used as a lure to cover hooks in traditional Yapese fishing, and the plant has a number of medicinal uses. According to Okabe, part of this plant is mixed with other plants such as Ficus prolixa or Alpinia carolinensis for medicine. On Ulithi this plant is used medicinally and as a charm. It is also used medicinally on Fais, while on Ifaluk its only uses are for leis and ear ornaments. A second "spider lily" (Hymenocallis littoralis), which was probably introduced to Micronesia (including Chuuk), more recently, is often confused
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where can I buy them? I have seen one but it is a small version. the leaves are small .
