Full Stack MERN Project - Build and Deploy an App | React + Redux, Node, Express, MongoDB [Part 2/2]

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00:00 Intro
01:27 Posts
12:52 Update Functionality
34:33 Debugging
37:28 Delete Functionality
44:47 Like Functionality
51:14 Additional Fixes
55:40 Mobile Responsiveness
1:00:48 Action Constants
1:06:40 Environmental Variables
1:10:58 Deployment
1:21:15 Part 3?

#mern #react #node
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If anyone had a problem when they hosted their server with Heroku, one fix might allowing acess from any ip to your mongo db atals. At least that worked for me! Cheers!


I'm going to be totally honest man, I don't usually comment but this is incredible. You've gotten me from very proficient in standard html, css and js and basic node all the way to fullstack mern with good understanding in the span of about 10hours (yes I was a little slow and paused plenty)... very much appreciated.


Now that i see how can i conneect the backend and the fronted, i feel more confident to do my own projects, i might do a project similar to this one, but with different fundamental point

Thank you my man !


This is the best MERN tutorial I ever learned. Frankly speaking, It's better than other training courses on Udemy which cost us too much! I really appreciate!!


I walked through every byte of these two videos and built a web. Even though I have been following a 1 months course on React & Redux, I couldn't quite get how all this works, but with these videos now I think I started understanding. Thank you so much! And I am strongly for the part 3! Authentication, plz!!!


Please make a part 3 video. We want to see authentication in mern stack. How to hash our password in nodejs etc.


Thank you Adrian. That's one of the rarest tutorials about the mern stack. I definitely recommend beginners to watch. I liked the part when you showed us your debugging process and said that it is okay. Thanks again.


I like how you include the little bugs that sometimes come naturally. Makes it feel very authentic.
Great course.


@53:45 you can also add .trim() to make it so that users cannot add a space to the form: tags: e.target.value.trim().split(", "). Also, this can cause empty hashtags if users enter an input with multiple commas like: tag1, , , tag2, . But, you can alleviate this error by adding the following logic to Post.js <Typography /> component for tags as follows: {post.tags.map((tag) => (tag === "" ? "" : `#${tag} `))}. Hopefully that helps anyone who wanted to handle these edge-cases.


If getting "h10" error after clicking "Open app" in Heroku, try changing procfile code to "web: node index.js" (omit the quotes). This worked for me. Fantastic tutorial!


Wait, it's one week already? Will build this very soon.
And yes, do the part 3!


Just finished this follow along, it took me longer than it probably should have... Absolutely awesome video! I am currently a student and just finished my first quarter doing server-side so we haven't learned how to deploy or how to link client and server-side. I am practicing on my winter break and now feel like I'm already ahead for next quarter. I would love to see the same thing everyone else is requesting. Thank you for your time and efforts!


If you're struggling to deploy to heroku, follow these steps:
Make sure your mongoDB network access is set to anywhere
Make sure your .env file is correct
Also remove the '|| 5000' from your PORT variable

After everyhting is done, commit the new changes, and push to heroku again. Then type in the terminal after the push has completed 'heroku restart'

This worked for me :) Stuck for like 25mins yo XD


Holy cow, I just watched these 2 videos to get a "big picture" look at making a full-stack app. I'm a front-end dev who hasn't done any back-end work yet. What a huge number of things to remember and connect together in order to get it all working. I was completely lost during most of the stuff. Phew, got a lot to learn. Nice video though! Hope to get there someday.


To anyone else struggling with the deployment phase -- the mongoDB Atlas cluster needs to have your Heroku IP address whitelisted, or alternatively you can whitelist all IP addresses while you're testing your app. My deploy phase kept crashing and I didn't know why, but after 40 minutes of troubleshooting I realized that the heroku IP address couldn't access the database.

Thank you so much for this video. I've been a front-end Engineer for the past year and haven't had time to jump into the full-stack / backend stuff, so this came in so clutch.


I took three breaks from this course and tried different courses, each time i feel like that this is more convenient then the others... So updated so easy to follow so friendly and makes since < duo to Ur explanations


... I hope you keep up your GREAT work


I have learned most from your videos rather than my college. Thanks for such great content.


I was learning only front end up to this point and I was afraid of the leap into backend territory, as you always are when it comes to something new, but thanks to this series I was able to build a full stack app, different from what you presented, with just focusing on server and data handling parts without previous experience with backend! Mad props to you sir!


Adrian, you are my main instructor. Of about 200 tutorials I have watched and hundreds of hours online working courses etc past year or so you are the best instructor I have seen. Your Complete Path To JS Mastery has me so well informed on JS that I got through part one of this MERN tutorial, Memories App successfully with few problems. Plus I understand most of it well enough that I have confidence I will be able to build my own CRUD apps from scratch soon. Thank you!


Really waited for this part. Your tutoring is so cool. I learnt a lot from this and I would also love the part 3 with pagination and authentication.
